Saturday, March 1, 2014

Week six dreams: due 3/6/14 12:15 pm

(1) Please post your dreams AND (2) comment on another's dreams for the sixth week using the comment link below.


  1. I look forward to reading this week's dreams and your analyses!

  2. Title: Car Crash
    Manifest: My brother, my mom and I are coming back to campus from Jimmy's pizza during a snow storm. we are coming down center road to turn into a parking lot and we slide out of control and we hit a tree on the side of the road. As I get out of the car to look at the damage in the front, I don't see anything except a few scratches but in the back there's a huge dent and the back window is shattered.
    Latent: The first week of school started all three of us were in an accident together on route 20 in Charlton were a SUV rear ended us. The back window shattered and the car was totaled.

    1. I think that because of the snow storms occurring lately, it brought up the repressed fear you have been holding inside about the car crash that you were in with your mother and brother. But I think that you weren't consciously aware that you were still holding on to this fear therefore your dreams revealed the accident to you while using different circumstances.

    2. For whatever reason, I dream of car accidents a lot and I'm usually with my family too. The snow part I don't think is any small coincidence since there's been so much of it lately and your brain just combined that knowledge with the accident you described in the latent content.

    3. Wow that's a scary dream. I think the fear of losing your loved ones was a big part of your dream. The snowstorms also play a part because we have had so many.

    4. Since this had happened to you before I think that it was just a matter of time until you dreamt about it. I know I have dreamt about a few accidents I have had before. Since it has been snowing a lot recently you probably have been fearing being in another accident like this.

    5. I agree with everyone else. It appears that you unconsciously or maybe even consciously fear that you and your family will be in another accident. It seems that you have blended several aspects of your life into this dream.

    6. I think you're mind is trying to warn you, not to drive in the snow because it is very dangerous. Not just because your car could run into problems but other cars may run into problems

  3. Title: Would You Like Fries With That?

    Manifest Content: I’m in the food court of a mall with my sister. There’s not a lot of people there and for some reason, we become responsible for working at one of the fast food restaurants. I have no idea which restaurant we are working at, but notice they sell a wide variety of food. All of a sudden, a rush of people come in. My sister and I are running around trying to figure out where everything is and how to make everything. People begin to scream at us, yelling out their orders and getting very mad when we did not get them their food fast enough. I begin to cash people out, but constantly have to refer to the menu since I don’t know how much anything is. This makes the people even angrier. I feel so stressed that I look over at my sister for help, but she is gone. Suddenly I am the only one there trying to manage everything with a huge group of people screaming at me, and then I wake up.

    Latent Content: I think I had this dream because my sister and I went to the mall earlier that day. I am not sure why we became responsible of a fast food restaurant. I think this maybe has a deeper meaning of people giving me orders and then just running around trying to get everything done. I think it also symbolizes a possible fear I have of not pleasing everyone around me. I think when my sister left me in my dream could show that I also have a fear of her leaving me in stressful situations in real life.

    1. This dream could be that you feel you have too much work piling up around you. You may be overly stressed and need a break. The part about your sister could be that you miss her and want to spend more time with her. It could also be a fear that she may leave, giving you even less time spent with her then you would like.

    2. I agree with Darien you do have a lot of responsibilities and a lot of work that you have to get done. I also agree with you about having to please everyone and that could be why you are stressed out in the dream. You can't make everyone happy by getting them their food fast enough and that could symbolize some of the tasks you need to do. You fear that your best isn't enough sometimes and instead of wording about you you worry for those you care about.

  4. Maybe you are stressed out about something and the rush and chaos of people represents that stress. Also since your sister left maybe you are scared that she is going to leave you in the future maybe for school or job.

  5. Title: Chaos

    Manifest content: I was walking around a place that looked basically like the career fair but there wasn't people standing by the tables it was just the tables set up everyone and tons of people walking around, very crowded. In the mess of people I find my ex boyfriend who was standing around doing nothing. But before I get to him I end up bumping into his new girlfriend who is dressed like a Goth devil worshiper and she confesses to me that she is a cheating stripper. With that knowledge there is an intense sense of like mind reading and she knows I'm going to tell him and I know that she knows I'm going to tell him so then there is a race to get to him first. so we are running through people we are trying to be nonchalant. As we approach him she tries to get him to go with her but in turn he makes her wait and lets me speak. A part of me is disappointed to break him the news and the other part of me is a little excited that she has finally been caught. right after he receives the truth my dreams turns into an episode of a television series and its the end and I am a marine and we are thanking the chief for finding all of the weapons that were stolen from this girl ( while we are talking the dream is focused on the girlfriend getting away and us talking is like a narrative but we don't know what is going on behind us) and as we get into the marine tank to drive home we run over the girl her head explodes and we didn't even know that she was behind us.

    Latent content: I know that I was speaking to my ex during the actual career fair and his girlfriend seen us and got upset I think that maybe I was reflecting on that. I am not sure where the stripper thing came from. I also don't understand why I ended up a marine character but It was cool to see the dream in a different way it was like I was watching a movie. which makes me think that maybe it was because I was watching White Collar before bed and that show is definitely chaos.

    1. The dream sounds like it is about anger or jealousy over your ex's new girlfriend. The part where she looks like a devil worshiper and is a stripper could be your mind projecting all of the negative emotions you have on to her in a way that makes it easier to hate her or make her seem like a bad person. As for the marine part and running over the girl, it could be violent fantasies playing out in your mind that are taking shape in a socially acceptable way. A marine running somebody over while on the job would be considered a tragic accident, and be socially acceptable as opposed to murder.

    2. Perhaps you unconsciously hope that your ex still takes more stock in your feelings and opinions than his current gf because he let you speak first. your unconscious may be telling you that though you may not be together you still care for him which is why you were going to tell him that she is a stripper. Also I feel the deviation into the marine part of the dream was your minds way of avoiding your ex's reactions to the news. Perhaps you cannot deal with the idea of hurting him? Just a thought :)

  6. Title: Animal Whisperer
    Manifest Content: I open my eyes and I am sitting on the couch in my living room at home. I look around and there are bunch of people in my house, we are having some sort of get-together or party. I get up and walk into the kitchen, I hear the door bell and go to open it. As I open the door there is nothing there but a huge cold breeze. I look out the window and can now see everyone in my back yard. I walk to the door and go out on the deck, no one is there anymore. There is just a horse standing in the corral. I walk over to it, and it speaks to me, it tells me that I have to set him free. This is not alarming to me I seem to understand and I ran back to the house to tell my mom that the horse needs to be freed and as I open the door, I wake up…

    Latent Content: Parts of the dream are correct, mom likes to have gatherings at our house a lot over and summer and people would usually all sit our backyard. It could mean that I miss always being with my family and friends or the summer. There is also a corral, chicken coup, and barn in my back yard. So that makes sense but there haven’t been any horses there in a few years. I really have no idea why or what it could mean that I could talk to the horse or that it wanted me to free it.

    1. I agree that the setting of your dream symbolizes you missing your family and friends. Since they disappear once you go outside, this could possibly represent a feeling or fear you have of them not being there. When it comes to the horse, maybe it is symbolizing something in your life that you feel you need to let go of or "set free." It could even possibly be something related to your family.

    2. I agree with Jamie. I think that you may be scared of a growing distance between your family, maybe because you're so busy with school and other things? I also agree I think the horse is symbolizing something you are feeling or experiencing that maybe means you want to let it go. But also perhaps you were ignoring it and so the horse in the dream is your way of realizing it is there, it does bother you, and you want to just let it go. This way you can be free of the burden.

  7. Where Am I?
    Content: I am in a strange house that I associate as being my own. My sister is with me along with probably a dozen other kids from about 5-16 years old. Our parents tell us these are also our siblings. They then start to leave and I yell at them, "Where are you going?! You're leaving me to take care of all these kids?" They say they are running to the store and will be right back. Suddenly, I'm in the passenger seat of my dad's truck and my sister is driving. I start to panic and say "You can't be driving! you'reo nly 14!" It's as if she did not realize that before and she starts screaming and panicking. She putsh er foot on the gas and the road becomes more and more narrow to the point the tires arent't on the pavement anymore and there's a tree ahead in the middle of the 'road.' I jump in the driver's seat just in time and slam on the breaks.
    Interpretation: My parents are going away soon for the weekend and leaving me in charge of my sister. I've never spent more than one night alone without them and I'm going to have to take my sister to school and to all her activities all by myself and I'm a little worried. maybe the other children symbolize all the running around and extra responsibility.

    1. I agree when you said maybe the other children are all the other tasks you will have to carry even if it is for a short-time. But maybe when you said "I jumped in the driver's seat just in time and slammed on the breaks" means that you can handle taking on the extra tasks and your brain is telling you that can.

    2. I 100% agree with Jcengland. I feel that unconsciously you are playing out your fear and anxiety about the situation. But if you can take care of a dozen children in your dream then you can definitely take care of your sister. As Jcengland said, the part when you take control of the care represents the fact that you and your unconscious know that you can handle anything but you just need to allow yourself to jump into the metaphorical drivers seat! Just a thought :)

    3. I think you are just getting nervous about the responsibility at home. Maybe if you don't watch out for your sister she'll end up doing something like driving and then panicking. Tell yourself that its ok to panic but not to be so worried that it will scare the crap out of you.

  8. Title: Mid-term's HELP!
    Content: I was sitting at my desk, during my B-Comm mid-term and sweat was pouring from my forehead, and fingertips... I couldn't even focus on what was in front of me. I looked down at the exam and saw the letters becoming all mixed up and jumbled and it looked like it was forming a word. What it was "you will fail and not graduate, hahaha" I was screamed and said "noooooo" my scream faded out and I woke up in a sweat.
    Latent: I believe that my dreams were telling me that I was stressed out during my mid-term and was feeling the pressure of getting all my work completed before graduation.

    1. I 100% agree with your latent interpretation. In addition, maybe your dream was telling you to study some more for the exam..

    2. I agree with your latent content as well. I think that you just might be stressed out about mid-terms in general. Your dream just might be telling you to prepare more for the exam.

    3. I also agree with your interpretation. As discussed in class, dreaming about failing exams or not finding your classroom are common dreams/nightmares that college students will have.

  9. Title: Distraught Driving
    Manifest: I step into my car after a long night at my girlfriend's house. I put it in reverse and there are three shadowy figures all sitting in the back of my car. One pulls out a knife and tells me to do exactly as he said. He told me to whip it out of the driveway and gun it. The road that we were on was unfamiliar and completely different than what the road I normally would take home looks like. We get to what seems to be a road that goes straight for as far as I can see. One of the guys tells me to go faster, and faster, and faster until everything around us looked like a blur. I cannot tell how fast we are because the speedometer is blank. I look back at the three guys and I see my girlfriend tied up in the back of my car. One of the guys seems to notice that I saw her and told me to speed up again. I refused to do so, so the guy that hasn't spoken the entire time pulled out what seemed to be a golf club from behind his back and reached forward and pushed the gas pedal all the way down and somehow the car goes faster and out of no where a yellow school bus appears up in front of us and I try to slam on the breaks but I couldn't stop the car. As soon as we strike the bus All of the airbags deploy and I wake up.
    Latent: Honestly, I have no idea what this could mean. I don't feel as if I'm scared for my life or anything like that. I know that my girlfriend is going through a stressful time trying to get accepted into a pharmacy school and I am scared for her and somehow it was turned into a nightmare... Really odd dream..

    1. wow your dream sounds like a movie in a sense. that's a tough one the only thing i could really think of when I read this is maybe instead of her having a stressful time as of late maybe your just as stressed causing this nightmare.

  10. Title: My take on the movie Lone Survivor

    Description: I watched the movie The Lone Survivor and that night I was in the middle east with my full army suit going in and out of houses clearing them out and I had my gun and all my equipment which I can remember vividly. We were looking for some guy who we were sent on the mission for and as I look over to see my partner it actually ended up being my roommate who was the one I watching the movie with which was actually really weird to me!! we were getting shot at and that's when I woke up.

    Interpretation: I mean I don't think it was a future reference of any sort but it was just odd seeing that i was basically put in the movie the night i watched it which was kind of cool in a sense besides the fact i was getting shot at

    1. I see your dream as a little bit of wish fulfillment. Not that I think you wish to be shot at, but I think your looking for some sort of adventure. Watching movies like that can give you a feeling of excitement. I think your dream was a way of getting that hands on adventure out of your system without the risk of actually getting hurt.

  11. Title: Swarm

    Manifest Content: This dream was very strange and actually reminds me of nightmares I had when I was little. In the dream I was going down a road in Webster and was about to cross a bridge when I realized it was a forest and not a bridge. So I stopped and got out and moved toward the forest. As I walked into it trying to see to the other side I was beginning to feel things crawling on me. I realized I had bugs and big black centipedes crawling on me. I tried to swipe them off me but they just kept reappearing. I was overwhelmed by them and right as they completely covered me I woke up.

    Latent: I'm not sure why this dream happened, I hadn't had a nightmare like this one in many years but it really got me. I feel like the only dreams I remember and write here are nightmares of some sort. I don't know, maybe someone else has some better insight.

    1. Very interesting, bugs are weird and different and I think symbolize something of swarming or something bothering to someone and they are the metaphor? Like a recent personal problem Or opinion? Or you could have bed bugs or something and don't know it , so check haha

  12. Title: The Fight…Maybe?
    Content: This was a dream that seemed very realistic to me. I started out in my room, with all of my roommates. I live with four other people in Remillard Hall. The roommates that I lived with in the same room were all watching TV together. We were hanging out, just talking. Then randomly out of nowhere, my other roommate, came into our room and started screaming at all of us. The weird part is that I didn’t understand a word she said to us, it was just gibberish. Her face was getting red with anger and she was yelling at me in particular. I didn’t have any idea what was going on, then all of a sudden I understood what she was saying. She called me a liar, and that I didn’t know what I was talking about. In fact, I didn’t know what she was talking about. Then she said “Kitty, why are you so mean?” and left. Kitty is my nickname for pretty much everyone at Nichols. I started flipping out because I had no idea why she was mad at me. I just walked to my friend’s room upstairs. I started to cry because I was so upset. Then I woke up.
    Interpretation: My interpretation for this dream is that, my roommate and I got in a little argument about something little but, we got over it the next day. I dreamt about it the night it happened. I think I had this dream, because I am scared of my roommates and me fighting. I didn’t like the fact that we had an argument so when I dreamt it, I blew it out of perspective.

  13. Title:basketball
    This dream was very funny to me. I watch a good amount of basketball and my favorite team are the Boston Celtics. So in my dream I was watching them play on my tv. They were getting destroyed by like 20 points. Then all of the sudden the PA announcer says "this is nonsense" and leaves. The entire crowd proceeded to walk out of the arena. I woke up and was very confused.
    Interpretation: I think I had this dream because the celtics are doing awful. I watch the celtics a good amount and it is frustrating at times to watch them.

  14. Title: Snowed In
    Manifest: I had a dream I was on campus and it started to snow really bad. Everyone started to go home, but my roommate and I could not find a way home so we had to stay on campus. We thought that everyone had gone home. We decided we were hungry. Thankfully the dining hall was still open. When we finally got to the dining hall se saw that our two friends were still here. We told them to come back with us since we were one of the only people on campus still. When we got back we realized that we were so bored and that there was nothing to do. We said since we are snowed in why don’t we just drink. We were underage so it was kind of a bad idea because if we got caught we could be in really bad trouble. But since there was nothing to do we just decided to drink anyways. As we were drinking we were all having fun but then I thought I heard a noise coming from outside of our room. So I went to the bathroom and then checked our peep hole but it was covered with a lime green paper. I still heard people outside our door so I decided to look underneath of the door. Someone was pushing a case of water in front of the door so that I could not look under. So I walked back into my room and told everyone to put the beer cans on the top bunk under the blanket. Just as we finished we heard a knock at the door. It was the RAs and our other roommate. She told us that we had put her in a hard position and that she had to let the RAs in so that they could see what was going on. Either way they were going to come in. We acted like nothing was wrong as they interrogated us. Then my one friend finally gave in and told them where the empty bottles were. She said that since she told them where they were that she was nothing going to get into trouble but the RAs informed her that they told us everyone was going to get into trouble no matter what. So she just ended up ruining it for all of us. They wrote us up and went on their way. As they left we all started calling our parents to tell them what had happened.
    Latent: I am not really sure what this dream meant. I do not know why we were so scared of getting caught because most of us are already 21. I think since my roommate and I had actually gotten snowed in before and it was boring that I dreamt about a fun time being snowed in, even though it did not end up being so fun. I was just talking about that time we got snowed in with my roommate the other day so maybe it was still stuck in my head.

    1. I feel that your dream comes from a little sense of anxiety. It is kind of like we are trained in a sense to be frightened by public safety and RA's. You most likely had this dream due to troubles before. I mean we have all been there, so I feel that it would be a common thing to have a dream about getting caught. It is something that still lingers in the back of your mind. It is like if you go to bed without getting bothered by them you've had a successful night haha. But, in your conscious the thought of you could have get caught - be another reason why your dreamt this.

  15. Title: who are you
    The dream starts off by me standing in the middle of a park. I am surrounded by people I do not recognize but in the dream I apparently do. We are just shooting the shiz hanging out with one another passing a ball around. Everything seems fine and regular normal dream. Then within the dream I realize that this was a dream. Once I realized that I started frantically running around trying to find a mirror or reflection so that I can see myself in the dream. It seemed for about three hours that I was trying to look at my face within the dream. I literally had tried everything and I could not make out a clear face. I was driving myself insane trying to figure out if me was really me.
    I honestly have no idea what this dream could have meant. It was just so strange of a dream for me to have. I was trying to hard to find a reflection. I guess I was really trying to find out if it was really me. Trying to find a sense of identity within myself?

  16. Title: The band

    Dream: I don't have too many of these dreams but did the other day. It was me going to an eagles concert. I remember I felt like in a different country walking into the venue. People all loud and buying shirts and stuff at the counter. I remember walking by all that and seeing the stage backlit. It gave me that feeling like wow that's it I'm here and they are here! I remember walking around more then hearing the band sound check and rehearse before people sat down. It was great perfect sounding!

    Interpretation: I don't know why I would have a dream like this. I rarely have dreams about the eagles, I used to years ago. Now not so much. I have been looking them up online and getting videos and reviews of recent shows? I'm obsessed and like hearing different nights haha I think listening to them is a form or release....I listen to them all the time. Maybe it's a way of saying I need to get away? Or away from where I am? I don't know

  17. Title: Talking twins

    Manifest: Talking twins doesn't seem very unusual until I mention that the twins in question are a pair of yellow labs. I'm in a house that is suppose Ito be me even though it very clearly wads not my house. I was laying on the couch which is a pretty common thing for me when I'm home. I hear talking which is weird because I guess it was one of the weird occasions where I was home alone. So I got up to walk around and see who was talking. I turn the corner into the kitchen and my dogs were just sitting by the table on the floor "sleeping." So I just continued on to check the rest of the house and found no one, so I went back to my place on the couch. I started to hear the talking again and so I got up and crept around the corner very slowly. I found my two dogs having a conversation about how bored they were. In English, like real every day American English. That's all I remember and then I woke up.

    Latent: My dad and I don't get along very well and we are always fighting about how I do not take the dogs outside on walks or to play (which is a lie, he's just never home to see it). So he is always saying "oh boys you look so bored". I think him saying that and me feeling bad because in the winter I don't do much, because who wants to go out in the cold? lead me to have the dream of them actually talking to each other about how bored they are.

  18. Title: Can we like we are dreaming in our dreams?

    Content: ok. So my dream for this week set at night. Myself and some friends are leaving somewhere to go to this party that's 20 minutes away. It is completely foggy out and the driver cannot see where he's going. Meanwhile we are all drunk and pretty much can't see anything. As we go down the hill slowly I say to my friend that I can see better and I grab the wheel of the car. Now I am driving down the foggy hill and all of a sudden we hear cries! We all roll down the windows and some sort of force is coming towards us. Like out of a 80s cult movie, these zombie like college kids are all leaving the houses creating traffic jams and such. Cops are there directing everyone to leave the premises. Except us they see us and throw us down the hill to the open road. While driving all over the place because I am drunk. I turn a wrong way and crashed into a telephone pole. We shake and i get out and see minimal damage but I realize I am in a dream because of everything happening and try to wake myself up. I see myself sleeping but can't wake myself. We decide to leave the car and start walking towards a cvs where we immediately want snack or something. While they are in the store I'm in the parking lot walking around contemplating whether leaving the car was a good idea. Suddenly I see a car coming towards me and I flip over the car like in some action movie. The van is filled with undercover cops and realize that I am drunk and arrest me. When I am thrown into the van I wake up.

    Latent: I was drinking the night that this happened. And I think I just worry I'll get arrested of a DUI for drunk driving or anything.

  19. Title: Where are you?

    Manifest: I was driving through Worcester and I kept hearing my dads voice. I looked around trying to find out were his voice was coming from. I pull up to this huge building and ho inside and it was an indoor virtual cemetery. I'm walking around for what seems like hours trying to find my dad. I fall to my knees and start crying "where are you". I feel a tap on my shoulder and one of the workers asked me if they can help me. I tell them I can't find my dad and his name. They laugh and by the look of my face they realize I wasn't joking. The guy pointed right next to me and told me to press the button that is in the shape of a heart. I was a little scared to but I did it anyway. I waited five seconds and nothing happened I turned around and started crying again. I was crying because my dad was standing right behind me. We sit down and talk for hours until the manager came over and told me it was closing time.

    Latent: I think I had this dream because I miss my dad. He passed away 11 years ago. This dream was in the summer and before I had the dream I was searching the cemetery he's buried at for hours. I really wanted to find my dad.

    1. I think that your interpretation is right, it seems as though you were replaying a very painful memory. This dream makes sense because you feel like you can't get to a person once they have passed away and in some cases they have been buried so it makes the process of grieving a little bit easier because you feel like you are still with them in a sense when you are where they are buried. It seems like you are still worried that he can be taken away from you again (in a different way) which is normal; I have had similar feelings and dreams that make me feel this way about people that I know that have passed away.

  20. I agree with your analysis. I often have dreams about getting caught speeding, because I know I speed. Sometimes we just stress over things that are possible (although you shouldn't drink and drive.) I understand though, sometimes when you leave after having 2 drinks, it makes you paranoid. It is interesting that you wanted a snack after such a traumatizing experience though.

  21. So this week, I had a dream about soccer. I recently tore my MCL so I'm far from being able to play at 100%, but I was playing normally in my dream and I was at a tournament in GA. In the middle of the game, I relived my initial injury 5 different times but could still play perfectly afterwards. We won the tournament but when I was finished playing, I couldn't walk and was on crutches, even though I played in all the games with no pain.

    I'm not quite sure what the dream means, although it may have to do with every time I get on the field now, I am terrified of retearing my MCL. I play safe, and find myself not playing to potential. In the dream, the pain was extremely lifelike and I even woke up in a bit of pain in the knee.

    1. I agree with your line of thought. It seems that you might be reliving the injury in your dreams because you are worried about reliving it in reality. If it's actually causing you some pain then it'd make sense to take it easy when you actually play, but I wouldn't let a dream stop you from going to your full potential.

  22. The Encounter with a God

    Manifest: I was out camping with three friends, my best friends; Aaron, Chris and Nigel. My friend Chris a silly kid has a loose tooth and even though he’s 20 in my dream, he decided we would tie his tooth to the truck and pull it out. So my friend Nigel gets in the truck and just floors it. The tooth goes flying and lands in the lake were camping next too. Suddenly, Neptune emerges from the water and gives the tooth back to Chris. He tells him to brush his teeth more often so he won’t lose any more teeth. Neptune then turns to me and says, “Stop drinking coke, Steve”. He floats majestically back into the water and makes a huge splash and a giant wave is coming straight for us, and then I wake up.

    Latent: I believe that my dream is like a sign. It is telling my to go camping near a lake with my friends doing the same thing exactly as in my dream, So that I may see Neptune. But on more realistic level I would say that maybe I need to stop drinking so much soda.

  23. Title: Kidnapped
    Manifest: I usually can remember most of my dreams every week but this week I could only remember some parts of them and it wasn’t enough to write about, so this is a reoccurring dream that happens usually around Christmas time. It isn’t every year that it happens but it has happened a couple times. Me and my cousin are at her house and it’s a small apartment but in the dream it turns into this huge house with windy stairs. Two guys and a woman come and kidnap us and we know so we are outside hiding behind bushes and they find us. Then they take us to some store that has everything you would ever need in it and the women tells us if were good we can get something. Then all the sudden we are back at my cousins’ house and the whole family is there and we all have guns and were shooting at the people because they want to take us again so they are shooting back at everyone. But the bullets tickle they don’t hurt, then all the sudden everyone is happy and friends and no one’s fighting.
    I am not exactly sure why I have this dream so much maybe it because I’m scared that something is going to happen to my cousin and I. Christmas eve is my favorite holiday so maybe I am worried something bad is going to happen.

  24. Title: Your back?

    Manifest: This dream was odd and quite spotty/short. I remember walking into my extended internship and going straight to the office. When I got there my mentor was waiting for me with wide eyes and a huge smile. I proceed to say hi and then go about my day. This was odd though seeing that my mentor had moved back to her hometown in Cali about two months ago. After I left the office I realized that my mentor was here, back from Cali. I have never realized she had left until now. When I went back into the office she was in work mode so I wondered if she was here to stay; she couldn't have possibly been visiting and working at the same time. As I was asking her why she was here she continued to talk about how it was such a bummer that we couldn't eat lunch together. After repeatedly talking about lunch I woke up.

    Latent: I think that this dream is wish fulfillment for my want to have my mentor back working by my side. The person who replaced her is not as hard working and lacks the leadership skills that I admired in my mentor. Things were much easier scheduling wise when my mentor was around and now I am always stressed that my schedule is going to be wrong and conflict with something for school. Also when I was a regular intern I was aloud to eat lunch with all the other execs. We would all laugh and bond and just hang out. I felt like one of them; however now that the summer internship is over and I am an extended intern I am treated like a regular employee and not invited to lunch anymore. This was kind of a step backwards for me and has always bothered me in some way. I believe that this is where the lunch part comes into play.

  25. Title: Iceman

    Manifest: I'mtrapped in my house with my family. It's snowing outside and we're scared of what they call the "iceman". I peak out the window at him. He wears a strange black mask that has an evil grin. He's tall and rather skinny. I'm terrified by him. He disappears, but my family and I stay in hiding. Then my great uncle pulls up the driveway in his car. We warn him of the iceman out there. We try to get him inside but then he disappears again and the iceman comes back. We turn out the lights but the iceman notices. He starts banging on the house, trying to get in. We hide in the basement and I wake up.

    Latent: I don't really know what this dream could hold as far as meaning goes for me. I think that the snow was in my dream because it did snow last night and I was not happy about it but as far as the rest of it, I have no clue.

  26. Title: Recurring Home Renovation Dream

    Content: In the dream, my step-dad and I are renovating the attic. Materials we need are missing, and things keep falling through the floor. Our cats find their way up into the attic, and keep getting in the way and run under the floorboards. Everybody is getting frustrated and is unable to get anything done.

    Interpretation: My family is looking for a bigger house, even though we haven't finished renovating our current one. Everybody talks about finishing the renovations, and there's a running joke that we could renovate the attic if we need more space. I think that's what caused this dream.

    1. I believe this an on going event that's taking place in your life right now. I also think that maybe your family and you were talking about it before you went to bed and its on your mind. Because stuff that we think about tend to be in our dreams at night if its bothering or worrying us.

  27. Title: Gone

    Content: I had a very short dream in which I went out for the day with my friends. I was very happy, enjoying the time spent with my friends. I couldn't get any happier. I ran in to a lot of people I knew and everyone was so happy to see me and I was happy to see them. As the sun started to go down I started heading back home. I was with my best friend Michaela all day and she accompanied me to my house. I notice the door was open and the front door is never left open. I walk in and my family, mother, father, and brothers were all on the floors around my house, dead. They looked like they had been shot. So while I was out having a great time with my friends, I had no idea what was going on at home. Someone tried to rob my house but it turned into a mass murder. I cried and looked to my friend Michaela for comfort but she was no where to be found. I was alone; everyone was gone. Then I woke up.

    Interpretation: I think I had this dream because it was a mix of the Law & Order episode I had watched before bed and a mix of the scary movie that I had watched.

    1. In my culture they always said that when someone dreams about death its good thing because someone in your family or close to you will be getting married .But I also think is sad dream and that it could mean a lot so you should be care and be observant of your surroundings.

  28. Title: Trust
    Content: This is the weirdest dream I have had, and it is also depressing because it’s like a situation that’s happening now. I dreamt I was having a hard time and I needed someone to talk to just to listen to me. So I told one of my closest friend who I believed was someone I can trust. But in this dream we argued and then we didn’t talk to each other anymore, and a girl that I used to be friends with he went back and told her everything I said. So in the dream we were at the auditorium because they was a function going on, and after the guest speakers were finish talking that female told the micro phone and started to talk and everything she was saying a directed at me because later in the conversation she said my name. I couldn’t believe she called me out in front of the entire school, in front all the staffs etc. But what I couldn’t believe the most was that my closest friend would have done that to me. I was depressed and scared that I jumped out of my sleep.
    Latent: I really don’t know what this dream is about. I don’t know ifs it’s trying to teach me a lesson or trying to tell me be more observant with the people I tell stuff to.

  29. Title: Where are we?
    Manifest content: I was with my boyfriend, and his friends John and Josh and we were ice fishing. For some reason we all took desperate cars to get to the lake and it felt like it took forever to get there. My radio station was not coming in in my car which I thought was strange. When we got to our destination we all parked next to each other and got out. We got every thing we needed and then we started our trek across the lake. We walked for what seemed like forever. It felt like it was so far and when we reached the spot that the guys wanted to fish at, we put out all the stuff and started fishing. We had a fire but it didn't help the cold. We ended up getting so cold and decided to go home but when we went to walk back to the cars we couldn't find them any where.
    Latent content: This dream wasn't too out of the ordinary. I think I had this dream because I went ice fishing the day before I had this dream and when I went to leave I wasn't sure how to get home because I wasn't familiar with the area I was in.


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