Title: Did I Shave Content: It was a reoccurring dream that seemed very real, I got out of bed at my house and went into the bathroom to look into the mirror. When I looked into the mirror I kept having different styles of facial hair.I would stare into the mirrior for what seemed to be hours just looking at my face. After I looked in the mirror I would go back to bed and it would happen again just like it did the first time. Interpretation: I do no think this as any special meaning I think it was just a dream I had.
POSSIBLE INTERPRETATION: Mirrors are a direct reflection of oneself. I don't know the emotion you felt when you looked in the mirror each time but maybe the different styles of facial hair represents the fact that you are trying to decipher who you are. Perhaps your unconscious is telling you to do some soul searching and find the "style" or person you truly are or truly want to become. Just a thought :)
2). The Manifest content: I was in a house surrounded by my family and when a hole in the floor appeared and out came a gray, beastly, foul wolf creature with huge white teeth, and it come right for me, I fought and fought until It appeared in my hand it was a katana to slash the wolf's head off, once I did it seemed to go back to normal, but the wolf returned six nights after that, and every night I had to fight and kill the wolf with the katana. Once after all 6 of the wolfs were killed by slashing their heads off with my katana, my dream ending up fading out and I had no clear explanation why this dream happened. 3). The Latent content: My Interpretation of my dream and what I've come to believe is that I was trying to survive, and within my dream the only way I could survive is with a weapon, and I thought that the katana was a symbol of strength and protection, from these wolf's. This ins't the first time I had a dream like this..it's very weird.
When I think of wolves, I think of sneaky, aggressive, and the phrase "a wolf in a sheep's clothing." Maybe there is a problem or obstacle in your life that you have been avoiding. However, your unconscious is telling you that not only do you have to address it, you can! I think the sudden appearance of the katana to help behead the wolves is your minds way of telling you that you are more than capable of dealing with the issue. You just need to take up you "katana" and swing away! Just a thought :)
Manifest content: I don't want to go to work and I know that I have to go work but I am instead procrastinating. I realize I am late for work and I am mad at myself because I shouldn't be late but I still haven't left my room. I wake up because I think that I am actually late for work but I realize its not the time so I fall back to sleep. Back in my dream I am now dressed in my work clothes but still I am about to be late for work and instead I procrastinate but yet I am more relaxed than the first time. But I end up waking up again thinking that I am late for work and realizing again the actual time. So I fall back to sleep one last time and I am at work, and I am miserable and I wish that I could have been in my room laying down.
Latent Content: - I knew that I had to get up for work and I didn't have a good day at work the day before so I think that I was already dreading the thought of having to go back in. I usually have dreams about being late for work when I know I have to work but I am not quite sure why it bothers me so much for me to have to dream it so often.
Content: In my dream, people were dying from a powerful but unknown disease, and the cure was a strange blue liquid. The liquid was made by grinding up children into a paste, and there were rooms full of children in a hospital lab being stored for this purpose. I think I had the perspective of a lab assistant, as I could see all of it going on through a window between the storage area and some kind of office. The city outside was very clean and futuristic-looking, with white buildings, blue skies, and neat green grass with walkways and sculptures. There were surprisingly few adults present within the hospital, yet plenty outside, all walking around as if nothing was wrong.
Interpretation: Prior to having this dream, I had learned how ancient vaccines were made by grinding up skin from an already diseased individual, or by extracting bodily fluids and either consuming them or injecting them into the body. I think this had some kind of influence on the dream. I had also been playing a lot of dystopian and apocalyptic video games. Other than those two things, I can't really figure out what the dream was about.
Manifest: I had a dream the other day that there was a series if awful fires in the town that I live in. I remember walking through the streets and seeing caution tape blocking off all of the side streets. Only the Main Street seemed to have been accessible to people. Their was fire trucks all over the place. The weird thing was though I don't recall actually having seen any of the fires in the dream. As a matter of fact I don't really remember seeing any other people either. I knew they were suppose to be there but no one was it was just me. I was going about my everyday business except for the blocked roads so I had to alter my routes. It's like I knew it was happening but it wasn't real to me.
Latent: The other day there was a fire in my town that caused a house to burn down. While I was at work I saw four fire trucks drive by. I didn't really think much of it after they drove by. Then later at work one of the other workers read the report out loud about what happened. I remember thinking that it is so weird that horrible stuff like that can happen to people and other people just keep going because it doesn't effect them. I know I have personally found that when I am having a rough time and I remove myself from society I think other people stop living. I remember when things got better and I jumped back into being a participant of life, I was shocked. I didn't think about other things changing while I was dealing with my issues and so I expected everything to be the same when I came back, but it wasn't. I was faced with the realization that other people kept living. I think that is where the meaning behind the dream comes from. The fires kept happening but because they didn't happen to me I just kept on going.
Content: I’m in a classroom in Academy Hall at Nichols College. The class is completely full. Although I am aware that people surround me, I do not make out any of the faces. We have a test that day and I feel prepared because I knew I studied to the best of my ability. The professor walks in and passes out the exam. I get my copy and begin to read the questions. I do not know any of the material on the test. It almost appears as a foreign language. I begin to panic and look around the room. Everyone else is taking their test with no problem, and they appear confident with the material as they quickly move along. I feel extremely stressed and reread the questions over and over trying to make sense of them. The professor is constantly reminding us of the time and that it should be a quick, easy exam since we should know all of the information. Panicking, I start to write down random answers, then I wake up.
Interpretation: I think I had this dream because this week is the start of many quizzes and exams in my classes. Right before I went to bed, I checked my agenda to see what my schedule was like this week, so it was on my mind right before I fell asleep. This dream was definitely a stress dream. I think it represents an anxiety that I have about knowing the information on all of my tests. I also think it showed that I am overwhelmed with my upcoming schedule.
Content: I had the same dream as last week again. As a matter of fact it's the only one I've remember for the past few weeks. It keeps getting less and less clear, but it's obvious that it's the same. The people changed though. It's still a very bland grey room with no detail, and the people are still dressed up. The big difference is that one of the people is now a woman, she seems familiar but she's too blurry to make out. The other person is still unclear. Nothing else has changed but the dream still wakes me up. I feel, not scared, but just like something bad is going to happen. Very ominous, very foreboding.
Interpretation: This dream seems so odd to me. Just thinking about it makes me on edge. There's not anything that is immediately wrong with me. I just can't seem to shake this dream. I still believe it is my brain attempting to prepare me for something, assuming you believe dreams mean something.
Title: The Transfer Content: I had a dream that I was back in high school. I had just gotten accepted into a transfer program, but the transfer program sent me to my old middle school. When I got to the middle school, it was completely redone and I couldn’t figure my way around. I was so embarrassed because the basic layout of the school was the same but they moved everything around and I couldn’t find my way. I was too scared to ask for help because I was an older kid in the middle school and was supposed to know everything and I didn’t. Soon I found myself in a new relaxation room they didn’t have while I was there. I went into the room and there was this relaxation pod thing that tuned out the whole world. So, I went inside and when I did, I woke up.
Interpretation: Maybe this dream means that I am afraid that something is going to come up where I should know all the answers, but I don’t. I might be looked up to for information and advice and I don’t know what to say even though I have been around the situation before. I think the relaxation pod thing meant that I really need to stop stressing out and that I need to take time in my life to relax and let everything go.
Title: Gunning for me Manifest: I am at my grandfather’s house except it is my Nana’s house in the dream. My mom and her friends are outside in the yard watching my little brother and their kids play. My dad pulls up to throw trash in the dumpster across the street from us. A car full of guys pull up and get out of a really nice SUV. I immediately get a bad feeling because I can tell they are up to no good. My dad yells out to them “did that car cost 14” and they get offended, they yell back “no, 40”. The guys walk around the corner for a minute and my dad sees that they left one of their guns out. They have big machine guns so he runs over to grab it and throw it in the dumpster. The guys are walking back around the corner and they see him do it, they have spray paint in their hands, and they start yelling and pointing their guns at us. We all start freaking out. I grab my little brother and run him around the corner, I’m really scared so I yell at him to stay there and go to run back around the corner. I freeze when I see my mom standing in front of all of them trying to fight them off. A car turns to pull down the street as I realize what is going on and it is my coach from high school. She jumps out of her car and yells at me and my brother to run. She goes over to help my mom, I grab my brother and were running. All of the cars around are ignoring us and won’t help. We hide in a driveway and were really scared. The car full of guys drives by the drive way slowly but doesn’t see us. My brother and I run back to the house and my mom, dad, and Nana are inside. I look out the window and my stepmother’s aunt and mother walk by, but they are ignoring us and won’t stop to say hi. My mom tells me that she called the cops and everyone walks out of the living room. I hear a man coming through the front door. I run to the phone and its hanging off of the hook. I’m trying to dial 911 but it won’t work. My mom and my Nana walk back into the room so calm, so I’m confused. I start freaking out and my Nana says it is her new roommate. The man all the sudden turns into a woman and she is really nice. She asks me if I want to see her room. Then me and my mom are outside where the guys just were and we’re standing further away re-watching what happened over again, once it gets to the part of my coach showing up, I wake up with a headache and my heart is racing. Latent: This dream brought back a bad memory for me, from when I was about 9 years old. A situation similar to this happened, minus the guns except in real life it was in my neighborhood and my mom, step father, brothers, and some people from our neighborhood were there. I am not really sure what to make of this but I think my coach from high school was in it because I talked to her the other day.
Title: Did I Even Graduate?? Content: I am in an empty parking lot and am freaking out, I feel very nervous and anxious. I look around and notice that I am alone, as I turn around I see my roommate, she tells me that we are going to be late if we do not find a ride. I agree with her and look around, even though I have no idea what we will be late for. Soon a clear plastic, transparent car pulls up and the driver tells us they will take us where we have to go. So we both get in, we stop after a very short drive, we are back at my high school, and I soon realize I am going to be late for my environmental science class and I begin to panic. If I am late and don’t take the exam, I know that I won’t be able to graduate. As I rush down the hall, I notice that everyone from my high school class is there but so are all of my friends from Nichols. But I continue down the hall and run into the room only to find that there is no exam and only three other people showed up to class, the teacher tells us to get into groups and two and as I look around for a partner, I wake up… Interpretation: I think that I had a dream about missing a final because I have had so much homework recently that, that is all I have found myself doing and I was stressing out before I went to bed. I have also been studying for multiple tests and was worried I would miss them if my alarm didn't go off. I have also noticed condensation in some of my dreams recently, I am generally with people from college and high school at the same time in places that do not make any sense together.
Title: Running for Rescue Manifest: This is the weirdest dream I had in such a long time. This dream was just scary and depressing and I was legit bawling my eyes out. I was in the middle of nowhere all alone and running. All I could see was trees and flowers and everything looked so colorful. Nevertheless, after running for so long I finally reach to an empty house where no one was there. I walked into the house searching to see if anyone was there to help me, but unfortunately I was there alone. I tried to use the phone to call my parents and the phone call kept going to voicemail. When I tried to call the police the phone would just hang up. That’s when I eventually got really scared and started to run after. But this time I was in a corn maze and all I could hear was birds chirping .Finally, after running for so many hours I reached a destination where I fell into a whole. And that’s when I jumped out of my sleep, because I really didn’t get why I was in the middle of nowhere and all alone. Latent: I believe that this dream symbolizes that I have a fear of something and I am running away from the situation because I don’t want to deal with it. Also, I believe that it is a problem I am facing that I feel is very hard to manage, so I keep putting it off for a later time to talk or fix it.
Title: old navy is a restaurant now? Content: my three best friends and I are in Old Navy. It's weird because there are clothes and shoes like you'd expect, but also crafts supplies and a food isle. We are walking through and selecting a few dresses to try on. When we go to find a fitting room we walk down a very long, poorly lit hallway. At the end of the hallway is a giant room with a bunch of curtains everywhere to serve as fitting rooms. I try on my dress and walk out to show my friends and I'm suddenly in a sushi restaurant. If that's not weird enough, the restaurant is floating in the ocean and there are gaps in the wooden floor where the water is exposed and you can see fish swimming. I start walking through the booths asking if anyone has seen my friends. They all say no and I begin to panic. I run into a bathroom to compose myself when I hear screaming outside the door. I run out to see that a gigantic shark has jumped through one of the holes in the floor and is snapping at people. I start to run away when something hits the back of my legs. I fall with a scream and wake up. Interpretation: it was actually my scream that woke me up because I was actually doing it. My friends and I like to go shopping when we all get together so the fact we were at Old Navy wasn't surprising. The sushi restaurant was weird. I hate sushi. However, I'm more concerned that I can't find my friends. One of my biggest fears is getting lost in a public place. As far as the shark goes, I'm scared of them too and won't go in the ocean past my knees because of it.
Manifest Content: I was out in Sochi, Russia watching the final run for a downhill skiing event, just like the one I watched the night before. I was watching a beautiful German girl that I had been eyeing finish off the race. She came down and won gold, and out of nowhere she picks me out from the crowd and wants me to come see her. I go over to her and she convinces me to go back to a hotel with her. It seems like it takes forever, then we finally get there. I start to take her ski gear off and as soon as we kiss I wake up. Latent Content: I think this was just some sort of a wish fulfillment because I was watching her on TV that night, right before bed and thought she was pretty. Pointless dream but I thought it was funny that she actually appeared in my dream that same night.
Maybe the girl is just symbol and wish fulfillment for a girl in your own life. Perhaps your unconscious projected your feelings and desires for a girl you know onto her and is telling you to make a move. Just a thought!!
Content: I went home for the weekend and as i was walking up to my apartment i realized there was something different. i open the door and realize everything looks rearanged. i hear people talking in the kitchen as i go in i realize its my brother and my mom playing cards. I ask them why everything looks different and my mom smiled at me and said " She is Gone". I was confused and they realized it, so my brother told me to follow him. He takes me to what is supposed to be my room and it was back to what it looked like when i moved to college freshman year. I look at him and he says " I broke up with her and kicked her out, you can have your room back".
Interpretation: I think i had this dream because i don't like my brothers girlfriend. the day i moved to college freshman year my brother and his girlfriend took over my room and ever since i didn't have a room. I recently told my mom and my other brother how much i cant stand her and how I want her gone and have my room back. I think this dream was just my wish coming true.
Manifest Content: I woke up in my bed to my roommate standing in front of me dressed for her class. I sadly look out the window and say "No snow day?" She responded that we had a 2 hour delay and that she was heading to her 2:15 class. I then panicked realizing that I had slept through my alarm and missed my psych exam. As I scrambled out of bed, I woke up. I panicked for a few seconds until I saw the time and the email that we had a snow day. Latent Content: I had spent most of my thinking about and preparing for the psych test and it was what I though about right before bed. However, I was hoping right before I fell asleep that we would have a snow day because I did not feel prepared and wanted a few extra days to study. I feel that thinking about failing and the snow day right before falling asleep led me to have this dream. It was definitely a stress dream!
Manifest Content: I was getting ready to go to a concert, which was actually near nichols on a open field. Once i got into my car to drive away I realized that I did not have my ID. So i went back to my house which seemed like I was taking a long time to find it. I was literally panicking because I thought I was going to miss my show. Once i found my ID i went back to the car which wouldn't start. Next thing I know I ended up at a bar before the show. I felt like everyone was doing what they wanted and taking their sweet time. All I wanted to do was go to the show and see the guy I wanted to watch. Everything felt like it was delaying my process. Finally after all the bull I made my way down to the concert. But I was having trouble trying to find the performer - right when I found his tent I woke up. Latent Content: I know exactly why I had this dream because I recently called my mother and asked her for tickets to a show. I have been following this certain performer since my freshmen year in high school but he never did a show on the East Coast. I finally found out that this year he will finally be 20 mins away from my house.I am actually really anxious and excited to see him for the first time. I feel this dream is giving me slight anxiety because I feel I wont be able to see him because I have waited for so long.
I was on a plane heading to Florida for spring break with the baseball team and then I remember landing and walking outside into a winter wonderland. I was still in shirts and t-shirt, but I wasn't cold,the team and I kept walking and we ended up back at nichols some how. Half of nichols was covered with snow and ice and other half was sunshine and warm. The part of me trying to get over to the sunshine side of nichols kept replaying slowly in my head.
Interpretation: I think I had this dream because all week long I have been stressing about all the snow that we have been getting. It raises my anxiety like no other! I keep complaining to my friends about wanting to get away to warm places. Spring and summer can't come any faster.
My dream was rather short this time around. I had a dream of someone calling something out that was directed towards me. The setting was lombard right in front of sweet, innocent Mary. I can not recall the comment, but I remember that it got my blood boiling. Instead of just continuing to walk like I normally do I stopped and turned around. I can not see the person's face, however I know exactly who's voice it is. Before even letting them speak after I turn around some very inappropriate words are exchanged that make me feel relieved. Finally I got this person to shut up and then I woke up.
Interpretation: I know I dreamed this because of something that I truly cannot stand that constantly has something to say. Each time this person says something I tell myself I'm above their verbal nonsense and keep on walking. However, deep down I know I want to blow up in their face. Seeing that this person is male and I'm female it also gets me very worked up. I see this as a sign that I am fed up, however I hope I can continue to be the bigger person.
Title: Too much snow In my dream I was laying in my bed and I felt very cold, and I was also shivering. I just couldn't warm up. Typically I enjoy sleeping in the cold but being cold in my dream started to bother me, and I even got up to get more blankets. Getting more and more frustrated with how cold I was I got out of my bed and I walked into my hallway where the thermostat is located. I went to turn it up all the way but the piece to move the temperature was missing. It was stuck at 45 degrees but it felt colder than that. I started to be able to se my breathe and thought about getting more blankets. I walked further down the hallway which seemed like it took forever to get to the end and came to my living room. I tried to look out my windows but I couldn't. Snow was covering the entire bay window. I then walked to my kitchen in confusion and opened my door and that was covered completely with snow too. When I opened the door it was like there was a snow waterfall poring through it. I then woke up because of my alarm.
Interpretation: Maybe I was dreaming I was so cold because all of my blankets fell off my bed that night. I think that's possible. It really did affect me in my dream however. It truly felt like I was freezing and it felt really real. I think the snow in my dream covering the windows and door was just a sign showing me that I was really cold.
Content: In my dream my mom and I had gotten in to a fight about paint for my room that I want to redo. It was an intense and serious fight over something very, very little and unimportant but her reaction was worse than I had ever seen in my entire life. I had never seen her face so angry and she has never acted so cold towards me. We wouldn't look at each other and went out of our ways to avoid each other. We were out in public for a celebration with everyone we knew. Our whole family, friends and extended family were out with us. I spent the whole time trying to get away from my mom then I had to figure out a way to get back to school. Ari had accompanied me and said she would drive me back to school but I told her she didn't have to because before our fight, my mom said she would drive me back. After the fight my mom refused to look at me or drive me back. I had to ask Ari to come back and bring me to school but she was already very far away from where I was because she had to go a family party far away. I was walking all around my neighborhood and the streets of my town and saw so many people I knew. It was packed like it was the town road race when everyone in the town comes out and has a good time with their friends and family. Everyone tried talking to me but they saw I was upset and every time I looked up I would see my mom in the distance with a pissed off face on. Later I was at a house with my whole family and extended family celebrating something for my little cousins Kathleen and Michael. I was still fighting with my mom and people could tell. She had never been this mad at me and I've never seen her this angry. I kept walking through the house saying hi to everyone but usually I'm with my mom so there was a lot of tension wherever I walked in to say hi to groups of people but they all seemed to be on my mom's side. There were countless rooms in this house with all different groups of people in each room like different parts of the family were all divided into different rooms. There was a girl that I used to play hockey with and she was in a room made of just windows. She was bed ridden because she had just gotten an elaborate tattoo and needed to recover. I went to many different rooms to say hello but they all brought up my mom so I left. Finally I stopped in the elderly room with all of the older people that were in my family. I remember walking by that room countless times but the last time I walked by I saw my nana sitting on a foot rest smiling as usual and enjoying the party. (My nana just passed away in October and I have never dreamt about someone who has passed away before) I immediately ran to her and she hugged me. I cried and cried and she held me and everyone else disappeared. It was just me and her. I tried taking a picture with her but she knew that I was the only one that could see her. When I tried taking a picture with her everyone else came back and they thought I was crazy because they didn't see anyone sitting with me. I woke up crying.
Interpretation: I don't really know what to say about this dream. It really took me by surprise. I was the closest out of any of her grandchildren. My nana and I have a strong connection that I have never had with anyone else. The night she passed away, I had a "tantrum" or episode of emotions and my roommates weren't sure what to do because I was just crying. Then the next day my mom told me she had passed away. It's scary because I had no idea and it's almost like I felt something was wrong. Then on the 1 month anniversary I was having mood swings all day and my roommate asked if it was because it was the anniversary but I didn't even know what day it was, I was just having a bad day. This dream occurred on Valentine's Day and I called my mom right after and she thinks it happened because my Nana felt like I needed a hug. Even though she's gone I feel like she is still here and I never believed in that kind of stuff. My dad passed away on my 14th birthday and I never once experienced any of this stuff or anything even remotely close to this since he's passed.
I'm in a room that's quite dark. I can only see a little around me from a small candle light. I feel scared. Threatened. There's a girl I don't know that comes out of nowhere. She has a knife and threatens me with it. I can't move but i stare at her wondering why she was doing this. She has a crazy look in her eyes and her hair is messy. I wonder who she is and try to figure out what she could possibly want with me. Suddenly we're outside and arguing. She lunges towards me with the knife and I block it somehow. I finally get ahold of the knife and make a slash towards her which barely catches her neck. She starts bleeding but she's still got enough energy to chase after me. She gets the knife back and slashes at my arms. Finally she gives up and slits her own neck right in front of me, falls to her knees and I wake up.
Interpretation: I honestly have no clue what this could mean. This dream has a lot of dark colors in it and it's hard to see everything. Everything in my actual life has been finally going decently for the first time in a while. Maybe this darkness resembles my fears of everything falling apart. Other than that, I have no clue why I don't know who she is or why she's after me.
Post your dreams for week three below...
ReplyDeleteTitle: Did I Shave
ReplyDeleteContent: It was a reoccurring dream that seemed very real, I got out of bed at my house and went into the bathroom to look into the mirror. When I looked into the mirror I kept having different styles of facial hair.I would stare into the mirrior for what seemed to be hours just looking at my face. After I looked in the mirror I would go back to bed and it would happen again just like it did the first time.
Interpretation: I do no think this as any special meaning I think it was just a dream I had.
POSSIBLE INTERPRETATION: Mirrors are a direct reflection of oneself. I don't know the emotion you felt when you looked in the mirror each time but maybe the different styles of facial hair represents the fact that you are trying to decipher who you are. Perhaps your unconscious is telling you to do some soul searching and find the "style" or person you truly are or truly want to become. Just a thought :)
Delete1). Title: Wolves
ReplyDelete2). The Manifest content: I was in a house surrounded by my family and when a hole in the floor appeared and out came a gray, beastly, foul wolf creature with huge white teeth, and it come right for me, I fought and fought until It appeared in my hand it was a katana to slash the wolf's head off, once I did it seemed to go back to normal, but the wolf returned six nights after that, and every night I had to fight and kill the wolf with the katana. Once after all 6 of the wolfs were killed by slashing their heads off with my katana, my dream ending up fading out and I had no clear explanation why this dream happened.
3). The Latent content: My Interpretation of my dream and what I've come to believe is that I was trying to survive, and within my dream the only way I could survive is with a weapon, and I thought that the katana was a symbol of strength and protection, from these wolf's. This ins't the first time I had a dream like this..it's very weird.
When I think of wolves, I think of sneaky, aggressive, and the phrase "a wolf in a sheep's clothing." Maybe there is a problem or obstacle in your life that you have been avoiding. However, your unconscious is telling you that not only do you have to address it, you can! I think the sudden appearance of the katana to help behead the wolves is your minds way of telling you that you are more than capable of dealing with the issue. You just need to take up you "katana" and swing away! Just a thought :)
DeleteTitle: Always running late
ReplyDeleteManifest content: I don't want to go to work and I know that I have to go work but I am instead procrastinating. I realize I am late for work and I am mad at myself because I shouldn't be late but I still haven't left my room. I wake up because I think that I am actually late for work but I realize its not the time so I fall back to sleep. Back in my dream I am now dressed in my work clothes but still I am about to be late for work and instead I procrastinate but yet I am more relaxed than the first time. But I end up waking up again thinking that I am late for work and realizing again the actual time. So I fall back to sleep one last time and I am at work, and I am miserable and I wish that I could have been in my room laying down.
Latent Content: - I knew that I had to get up for work and I didn't have a good day at work the day before so I think that I was already dreading the thought of having to go back in. I usually have dreams about being late for work when I know I have to work but I am not quite sure why it bothers me so much for me to have to dream it so often.
Title: It's Like Veal, But Made From People
ReplyDeleteContent: In my dream, people were dying from a powerful but unknown disease, and the cure was a strange blue liquid. The liquid was made by grinding up children into a paste, and there were rooms full of children in a hospital lab being stored for this purpose. I think I had the perspective of a lab assistant, as I could see all of it going on through a window between the storage area and some kind of office. The city outside was very clean and futuristic-looking, with white buildings, blue skies, and neat green grass with walkways and sculptures. There were surprisingly few adults present within the hospital, yet plenty outside, all walking around as if nothing was wrong.
Interpretation: Prior to having this dream, I had learned how ancient vaccines were made by grinding up skin from an already diseased individual, or by extracting bodily fluids and either consuming them or injecting them into the body. I think this had some kind of influence on the dream. I had also been playing a lot of dystopian and apocalyptic video games. Other than those two things, I can't really figure out what the dream was about.
Title: Blazing Towns
ReplyDeleteManifest: I had a dream the other day that there was a series if awful fires in the town that I live in. I remember walking through the streets and seeing caution tape blocking off all of the side streets. Only the Main Street seemed to have been accessible to people. Their was fire trucks all over the place. The weird thing was though I don't recall actually having seen any of the fires in the dream. As a matter of fact I don't really remember seeing any other people either. I knew they were suppose to be there but no one was it was just me. I was going about my everyday business except for the blocked roads so I had to alter my routes. It's like I knew it was happening but it wasn't real to me.
Latent: The other day there was a fire in my town that caused a house to burn down. While I was at work I saw four fire trucks drive by. I didn't really think much of it after they drove by. Then later at work one of the other workers read the report out loud about what happened. I remember thinking that it is so weird that horrible stuff like that can happen to people and other people just keep going because it doesn't effect them. I know I have personally found that when I am having a rough time and I remove myself from society I think other people stop living. I remember when things got better and I jumped back into being a participant of life, I was shocked. I didn't think about other things changing while I was dealing with my issues and so I expected everything to be the same when I came back, but it wasn't. I was faced with the realization that other people kept living. I think that is where the meaning behind the dream comes from. The fires kept happening but because they didn't happen to me I just kept on going.
Title: Failure
ReplyDeleteContent: I’m in a classroom in Academy Hall at Nichols College. The class is completely full. Although I am aware that people surround me, I do not make out any of the faces. We have a test that day and I feel prepared because I knew I studied to the best of my ability. The professor walks in and passes out the exam. I get my copy and begin to read the questions. I do not know any of the material on the test. It almost appears as a foreign language. I begin to panic and look around the room. Everyone else is taking their test with no problem, and they appear confident with the material as they quickly move along. I feel extremely stressed and reread the questions over and over trying to make sense of them. The professor is constantly reminding us of the time and that it should be a quick, easy exam since we should know all of the information. Panicking, I start to write down random answers, then I wake up.
Interpretation: I think I had this dream because this week is the start of many quizzes and exams in my classes. Right before I went to bed, I checked my agenda to see what my schedule was like this week, so it was on my mind right before I fell asleep. This dream was definitely a stress dream. I think it represents an anxiety that I have about knowing the information on all of my tests. I also think it showed that I am overwhelmed with my upcoming schedule.
Title: Ominous Feelings Pt 2
ReplyDeleteContent: I had the same dream as last week again. As a matter of fact it's the only one I've remember for the past few weeks. It keeps getting less and less clear, but it's obvious that it's the same. The people changed though. It's still a very bland grey room with no detail, and the people are still dressed up. The big difference is that one of the people is now a woman, she seems familiar but she's too blurry to make out. The other person is still unclear. Nothing else has changed but the dream still wakes me up. I feel, not scared, but just like something bad is going to happen. Very ominous, very foreboding.
Interpretation: This dream seems so odd to me. Just thinking about it makes me on edge. There's not anything that is immediately wrong with me. I just can't seem to shake this dream. I still believe it is my brain attempting to prepare me for something, assuming you believe dreams mean something.
Title: The Transfer
ReplyDeleteContent: I had a dream that I was back in high school. I had just gotten accepted into a transfer program, but the transfer program sent me to my old middle school. When I got to the middle school, it was completely redone and I couldn’t figure my way around. I was so embarrassed because the basic layout of the school was the same but they moved everything around and I couldn’t find my way. I was too scared to ask for help because I was an older kid in the middle school and was supposed to know everything and I didn’t. Soon I found myself in a new relaxation room they didn’t have while I was there. I went into the room and there was this relaxation pod thing that tuned out the whole world. So, I went inside and when I did, I woke up.
Interpretation: Maybe this dream means that I am afraid that something is going to come up where I should know all the answers, but I don’t. I might be looked up to for information and advice and I don’t know what to say even though I have been around the situation before. I think the relaxation pod thing meant that I really need to stop stressing out and that I need to take time in my life to relax and let everything go.
Title: Gunning for me
I am at my grandfather’s house except it is my Nana’s house in the dream. My mom and her friends are outside in the yard watching my little brother and their kids play. My dad pulls up to throw trash in the dumpster across the street from us. A car full of guys pull up and get out of a really nice SUV. I immediately get a bad feeling because I can tell they are up to no good. My dad yells out to them “did that car cost 14” and they get offended, they yell back “no, 40”. The guys walk around the corner for a minute and my dad sees that they left one of their guns out. They have big machine guns so he runs over to grab it and throw it in the dumpster. The guys are walking back around the corner and they see him do it, they have spray paint in their hands, and they start yelling and pointing their guns at us. We all start freaking out. I grab my little brother and run him around the corner, I’m really scared so I yell at him to stay there and go to run back around the corner. I freeze when I see my mom standing in front of all of them trying to fight them off. A car turns to pull down the street as I realize what is going on and it is my coach from high school. She jumps out of her car and yells at me and my brother to run. She goes over to help my mom, I grab my brother and were running. All of the cars around are ignoring us and won’t help. We hide in a driveway and were really scared. The car full of guys drives by the drive way slowly but doesn’t see us. My brother and I run back to the house and my mom, dad, and Nana are inside. I look out the window and my stepmother’s aunt and mother walk by, but they are ignoring us and won’t stop to say hi. My mom tells me that she called the cops and everyone walks out of the living room. I hear a man coming through the front door. I run to the phone and its hanging off of the hook. I’m trying to dial 911 but it won’t work. My mom and my Nana walk back into the room so calm, so I’m confused. I start freaking out and my Nana says it is her new roommate. The man all the sudden turns into a woman and she is really nice. She asks me if I want to see her room. Then me and my mom are outside where the guys just were and we’re standing further away re-watching what happened over again, once it gets to the part of my coach showing up, I wake up with a headache and my heart is racing.
Latent: This dream brought back a bad memory for me, from when I was about 9 years old. A situation similar to this happened, minus the guns except in real life it was in my neighborhood and my mom, step father, brothers, and some people from our neighborhood were there. I am not really sure what to make of this but I think my coach from high school was in it because I talked to her the other day.
Title: Did I Even Graduate??
ReplyDeleteContent: I am in an empty parking lot and am freaking out, I feel very nervous and anxious. I look around and notice that I am alone, as I turn around I see my roommate, she tells me that we are going to be late if we do not find a ride. I agree with her and look around, even though I have no idea what we will be late for. Soon a clear plastic, transparent car pulls up and the driver tells us they will take us where we have to go. So we both get in, we stop after a very short drive, we are back at my high school, and I soon realize I am going to be late for my environmental science class and I begin to panic. If I am late and don’t take the exam, I know that I won’t be able to graduate. As I rush down the hall, I notice that everyone from my high school class is there but so are all of my friends from Nichols. But I continue down the hall and run into the room only to find that there is no exam and only three other people showed up to class, the teacher tells us to get into groups and two and as I look around for a partner, I wake up…
Interpretation: I think that I had a dream about missing a final because I have had so much homework recently that, that is all I have found myself doing and I was stressing out before I went to bed. I have also been studying for multiple tests and was worried I would miss them if my alarm didn't go off. I have also noticed condensation in some of my dreams recently, I am generally with people from college and high school at the same time in places that do not make any sense together.
Title: Running for Rescue
ReplyDeleteManifest: This is the weirdest dream I had in such a long time. This dream was just scary and depressing and I was legit bawling my eyes out. I was in the middle of nowhere all alone and running. All I could see was trees and flowers and everything looked so colorful. Nevertheless, after running for so long I finally reach to an empty house where no one was there. I walked into the house searching to see if anyone was there to help me, but unfortunately I was there alone. I tried to use the phone to call my parents and the phone call kept going to voicemail. When I tried to call the police the phone would just hang up. That’s when I eventually got really scared and started to run after. But this time I was in a corn maze and all I could hear was birds chirping .Finally, after running for so many hours I reached a destination where I fell into a whole. And that’s when I jumped out of my sleep, because I really didn’t get why I was in the middle of nowhere and all alone.
Latent: I believe that this dream symbolizes that I have a fear of something and I am running away from the situation because I don’t want to deal with it. Also, I believe that it is a problem I am facing that I feel is very hard to manage, so I keep putting it off for a later time to talk or fix it.
Title: old navy is a restaurant now?
ReplyDeleteContent: my three best friends and I are in Old Navy. It's weird because there are clothes and shoes like you'd expect, but also crafts supplies and a food isle. We are walking through and selecting a few dresses to try on. When we go to find a fitting room we walk down a very long, poorly lit hallway. At the end of the hallway is a giant room with a bunch of curtains everywhere to serve as fitting rooms. I try on my dress and walk out to show my friends and I'm suddenly in a sushi restaurant. If that's not weird enough, the restaurant is floating in the ocean and there are gaps in the wooden floor where the water is exposed and you can see fish swimming. I start walking through the booths asking if anyone has seen my friends. They all say no and I begin to panic. I run into a bathroom to compose myself when I hear screaming outside the door. I run out to see that a gigantic shark has jumped through one of the holes in the floor and is snapping at people. I start to run away when something hits the back of my legs. I fall with a scream and wake up.
Interpretation: it was actually my scream that woke me up because I was actually doing it. My friends and I like to go shopping when we all get together so the fact we were at Old Navy wasn't surprising. The sushi restaurant was weird. I hate sushi. However, I'm more concerned that I can't find my friends. One of my biggest fears is getting lost in a public place. As far as the shark goes, I'm scared of them too and won't go in the ocean past my knees because of it.
Title: Olympic Connection
ReplyDeleteManifest Content: I was out in Sochi, Russia watching the final run for a downhill skiing event, just like the one I watched the night before. I was watching a beautiful German girl that I had been eyeing finish off the race. She came down and won gold, and out of nowhere she picks me out from the crowd and wants me to come see her. I go over to her and she convinces me to go back to a hotel with her. It seems like it takes forever, then we finally get there. I start to take her ski gear off and as soon as we kiss I wake up.
Latent Content: I think this was just some sort of a wish fulfillment because I was watching her on TV that night, right before bed and thought she was pretty. Pointless dream but I thought it was funny that she actually appeared in my dream that same night.
Maybe the girl is just symbol and wish fulfillment for a girl in your own life. Perhaps your unconscious projected your feelings and desires for a girl you know onto her and is telling you to make a move. Just a thought!!
DeleteTitle: And she is GONE!
ReplyDeleteContent: I went home for the weekend and as i was walking up to my apartment i realized there was something different. i open the door and realize everything looks rearanged. i hear people talking in the kitchen as i go in i realize its my brother and my mom playing cards. I ask them why everything looks different and my mom smiled at me and said " She is Gone". I was confused and they realized it, so my brother told me to follow him. He takes me to what is supposed to be my room and it was back to what it looked like when i moved to college freshman year. I look at him and he says " I broke up with her and kicked her out, you can have your room back".
Interpretation: I think i had this dream because i don't like my brothers girlfriend. the day i moved to college freshman year my brother and his girlfriend took over my room and ever since i didn't have a room. I recently told my mom and my other brother how much i cant stand her and how I want her gone and have my room back. I think this dream was just my wish coming true.
Title: Only a Delay?!?!
ReplyDeleteManifest Content: I woke up in my bed to my roommate standing in front of me dressed for her class. I sadly look out the window and say "No snow day?" She responded that we had a 2 hour delay and that she was heading to her 2:15 class. I then panicked realizing that I had slept through my alarm and missed my psych exam. As I scrambled out of bed, I woke up. I panicked for a few seconds until I saw the time and the email that we had a snow day.
Latent Content: I had spent most of my thinking about and preparing for the psych test and it was what I though about right before bed. However, I was hoping right before I fell asleep that we would have a snow day because I did not feel prepared and wanted a few extra days to study. I feel that thinking about failing and the snow day right before falling asleep led me to have this dream. It was definitely a stress dream!
Title: Dream Concert
ReplyDeleteManifest Content: I was getting ready to go to a concert, which was actually near nichols on a open field. Once i got into my car to drive away I realized that I did not have my ID. So i went back to my house which seemed like I was taking a long time to find it. I was literally panicking because I thought I was going to miss my show. Once i found my ID i went back to the car which wouldn't start. Next thing I know I ended up at a bar before the show. I felt like everyone was doing what they wanted and taking their sweet time. All I wanted to do was go to the show and see the guy I wanted to watch. Everything felt like it was delaying my process. Finally after all the bull I made my way down to the concert. But I was having trouble trying to find the performer - right when I found his tent I woke up.
Latent Content: I know exactly why I had this dream because I recently called my mother and asked her for tickets to a show. I have been following this certain performer since my freshmen year in high school but he never did a show on the East Coast. I finally found out that this year he will finally be 20 mins away from my house.I am actually really anxious and excited to see him for the first time. I feel this dream is giving me slight anxiety because I feel I wont be able to see him because I have waited for so long.
Title: Antarctica
ReplyDeleteI was on a plane heading to Florida for spring break with the baseball team and then I remember landing and walking outside into a winter wonderland. I was still in shirts and t-shirt, but I wasn't cold,the team and I kept walking and we ended up back at nichols some how. Half of nichols was covered with snow and ice and other half was sunshine and warm. The part of me trying to get over to the sunshine side of nichols kept replaying slowly in my head.
Interpretation: I think I had this dream because all week long I have been stressing about all the snow that we have been getting. It raises my anxiety like no other! I keep complaining to my friends about wanting to get away to warm places. Spring and summer can't come any faster.
Title: Ready to Fight Back
ReplyDeleteMy dream was rather short this time around. I had a dream of someone calling something out that was directed towards me. The setting was lombard right in front of sweet, innocent Mary. I can not recall the comment, but I remember that it got my blood boiling. Instead of just continuing to walk like I normally do I stopped and turned around. I can not see the person's face, however I know exactly who's voice it is. Before even letting them speak after I turn around some very inappropriate words are exchanged that make me feel relieved. Finally I got this person to shut up and then I woke up.
Interpretation: I know I dreamed this because of something that I truly cannot stand that constantly has something to say. Each time this person says something I tell myself I'm above their verbal nonsense and keep on walking. However, deep down I know I want to blow up in their face. Seeing that this person is male and I'm female it also gets me very worked up. I see this as a sign that I am fed up, however I hope I can continue to be the bigger person.
Title: Too much snow
ReplyDeleteIn my dream I was laying in my bed and I felt very cold, and I was also shivering. I just couldn't warm up. Typically I enjoy sleeping in the cold but being cold in my dream started to bother me, and I even got up to get more blankets. Getting more and more frustrated with how cold I was I got out of my bed and I walked into my hallway where the thermostat is located. I went to turn it up all the way but the piece to move the temperature was missing. It was stuck at 45 degrees but it felt colder than that. I started to be able to se my breathe and thought about getting more blankets. I walked further down the hallway which seemed like it took forever to get to the end and came to my living room. I tried to look out my windows but I couldn't. Snow was covering the entire bay window. I then walked to my kitchen in confusion and opened my door and that was covered completely with snow too. When I opened the door it was like there was a snow waterfall poring through it. I then woke up because of my alarm.
Interpretation: Maybe I was dreaming I was so cold because all of my blankets fell off my bed that night. I think that's possible. It really did affect me in my dream however. It truly felt like I was freezing and it felt really real. I think the snow in my dream covering the windows and door was just a sign showing me that I was really cold.
Title: Nana
ReplyDeleteContent: In my dream my mom and I had gotten in to a fight about paint for my room that I want to redo. It was an intense and serious fight over something very, very little and unimportant but her reaction was worse than I had ever seen in my entire life. I had never seen her face so angry and she has never acted so cold towards me. We wouldn't look at each other and went out of our ways to avoid each other. We were out in public for a celebration with everyone we knew. Our whole family, friends and extended family were out with us. I spent the whole time trying to get away from my mom then I had to figure out a way to get back to school. Ari had accompanied me and said she would drive me back to school but I told her she didn't have to because before our fight, my mom said she would drive me back. After the fight my mom refused to look at me or drive me back. I had to ask Ari to come back and bring me to school but she was already very far away from where I was because she had to go a family party far away. I was walking all around my neighborhood and the streets of my town and saw so many people I knew. It was packed like it was the town road race when everyone in the town comes out and has a good time with their friends and family. Everyone tried talking to me but they saw I was upset and every time I looked up I would see my mom in the distance with a pissed off face on. Later I was at a house with my whole family and extended family celebrating something for my little cousins Kathleen and Michael. I was still fighting with my mom and people could tell. She had never been this mad at me and I've never seen her this angry. I kept walking through the house saying hi to everyone but usually I'm with my mom so there was a lot of tension wherever I walked in to say hi to groups of people but they all seemed to be on my mom's side. There were countless rooms in this house with all different groups of people in each room like different parts of the family were all divided into different rooms. There was a girl that I used to play hockey with and she was in a room made of just windows. She was bed ridden because she had just gotten an elaborate tattoo and needed to recover. I went to many different rooms to say hello but they all brought up my mom so I left. Finally I stopped in the elderly room with all of the older people that were in my family. I remember walking by that room countless times but the last time I walked by I saw my nana sitting on a foot rest smiling as usual and enjoying the party. (My nana just passed away in October and I have never dreamt about someone who has passed away before) I immediately ran to her and she hugged me. I cried and cried and she held me and everyone else disappeared. It was just me and her. I tried taking a picture with her but she knew that I was the only one that could see her. When I tried taking a picture with her everyone else came back and they thought I was crazy because they didn't see anyone sitting with me. I woke up crying.
Interpretation: I don't really know what to say about this dream. It really took me by surprise. I was the closest out of any of her grandchildren. My nana and I have a strong connection that I have never had with anyone else. The night she passed away, I had a "tantrum" or episode of emotions and my roommates weren't sure what to do because I was just crying. Then the next day my mom told me she had passed away. It's scary because I had no idea and it's almost like I felt something was wrong. Then on the 1 month anniversary I was having mood swings all day and my roommate asked if it was because it was the anniversary but I didn't even know what day it was, I was just having a bad day. This dream occurred on Valentine's Day and I called my mom right after and she thinks it happened because my Nana felt like I needed a hug. Even though she's gone I feel like she is still here and I never believed in that kind of stuff. My dad passed away on my 14th birthday and I never once experienced any of this stuff or anything even remotely close to this since he's passed.
DeleteTitle: Who Are You?
ReplyDeleteI'm in a room that's quite dark. I can only see a little around me from a small candle light. I feel scared. Threatened. There's a girl I don't know that comes out of nowhere. She has a knife and threatens me with it. I can't move but i stare at her wondering why she was doing this. She has a crazy look in her eyes and her hair is messy. I wonder who she is and try to figure out what she could possibly want with me. Suddenly we're outside and arguing. She lunges towards me with the knife and I block it somehow. I finally get ahold of the knife and make a slash towards her which barely catches her neck. She starts bleeding but she's still got enough energy to chase after me. She gets the knife back and slashes at my arms. Finally she gives up and slits her own neck right in front of me, falls to her knees and I wake up.
Interpretation: I honestly have no clue what this could mean. This dream has a lot of dark colors in it and it's hard to see everything. Everything in my actual life has been finally going decently for the first time in a while. Maybe this darkness resembles my fears of everything falling apart. Other than that, I have no clue why I don't know who she is or why she's after me.