Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week eight dreams: Due 3/27/14

Please post your dream and comment on another's dreams by Thursday 3/27 using the comment link below.


  1. I hope all of you had a restful vacation. I look forward to reading your dreams during your time off. Don;t forget to post your dream and comment on another's dream. PS: If you want lots of feedback, post your dream early! Dr. D

  2. Title: Wrong Lane

    Content: I keep having a recurring situation in my dreams where oncoming traffic is constantly in the wrong lane. The cars swerve to avoid nothing, and then continue driving in the wrong lane, and refuse to move back into the correct one. The dreams always take place on roads near where I used to live.

    Interpretation: The road that the dreams usually take place on does have a big problem with people in one direction moving into the other lane on one of the turns, and it leads to a lot of near-misses. There is also a bridge near that road that sometimes shows up in the dreams, and despite being painted as a two-lane bridge, it is only big enough for one car to go through at a time, but a lot of people attempt to go on the bridge while there is already one car on it.

    1. Maybe this dream represents the fear you have of this road because it can be very dangerous. You also could be missing where you used to live which is why your dreaming of that area.

    2. I think this dream could just be your conscious telling you that you are nervous or that road makes you feel nervous when you are driving.

    3. This dream could be your conscious reminding you that you get nervous on this road because of all of the near-misses that happen on it. Or it could be your mind trying to "practice" what would happen if you were ever to be in this situation. I also agree that you may be missing where you used to live and that is why you keep dreaming of the area, and that it is difficult to get back because of all the people driving in the wrong lane when in reality you cant go back because you no longer live there.

  3. Title: Home alone
    Manifest: This dream was really weird to me because I don’t think it has ever happened to me, where I am someone else in the dream. I am the kid from home alone, and I am trying to get away from the two robbers that break into the house in the movie. They look exactly the same, were on some busy road that is almost highway like. I just keep running from them and then finally I climb up really, really high into a tree and I am just sitting there. All the sudden I look down and the two guys are climbing up the tree, once they get almost as high up as me, one of the tree branches breaks and they fall all the way to the ground. I have enough time to climb down out of the tree and start running across the road. I am running at cars trying to get them to stop and help me and then all the sudden a car stops to help me. I look back and the two guys are running across the street after me, and I wake up.
    Latent: I am not really sure why I dreamed this because I have not watched any of the Home Alone movies in a while, and I usually never have dreams where I am someone else in them. This dream could represent that I am trying to avoid people, but it also could just be me dreaming about the movie. I was very confused when I woke up.

    1. I think your dream could be feelings of being chased or trying to get away from other people projected onto a familiar situation, in this case the movie Home Alone. Your brain could be taking a situation that it has witnessed and placing you into it.

  4. Title: Where's my dog?
    Manifest: I dreamt that it was spring (yeah it is actually spring right now but I mean, no snow, and not freezing cold.) and that I was outside with one of my dogs getting something out of my car. I really needed my notebook that was in my car but it was dark out so I let one of my dogs out first and then I followed. She quickly ran into the woods as I went to my car. I grabbed what I needed and darted to the house because I hate the dark and being outside in the dark alone. I called out for my dog a few times and she didn't respond. Usually she would come on the first call so I could tell that this time something was wrong. I then heard a yelping from the woods and even though I hate the dark, I bolted into the woods following the yelping and screams that I could hear because my dog is my life and I knew something was trying to get her. I finally found her and she could not move. The other animal was already gone. I picked up my dog and brought her back to the house and called an animal hospital. I was mortified and didn't know what to do. She was bleeding and I felt terrible that I even let her outside with me. I put her in my car and drove to the animal hospital. Then my alarm went off and I woke up.
    Latent:I have three German Shepherds, two males and a female and they are literally my family, as corny as that sounds.Stormie, the girl, is much smaller than the boys. She only weighs about 65 pounds compared to the guys at about 120 lbs each. I live in the middle of the woods and I always fear that my dogs will end up having to fight off a bear or a pack of coyotes or even a bob cat or fisher. A few days before this dream I saw a story on the news where a guy from Millbury let his dog out in the morning and he didn't come back, so the owner went to find him but instead found a bloody trail. After he followed the trail he found the his dog but there was nothing that could be done to save the dog because a pack of coyotes had tried to eat him. I think I had this dream because of this news story and the fact that my dogs being attacked by an animal has always been an underlying fear that I have living in the middle of the woods.

    1. I can totally understand your love for your dogs! I have two and they are like family. I think this dream probably had something to do with the story you saw on the news, but showed the love you have for your dogs and your fear of losing them.

    2. I think you are spot on with your latent interpretation. I also have dogs in which I have had a few nightmares where they are killed or they run away! I think that news story might have triggered your emotions about your dogs and made you dream about them.

    3. I agree with your interpretation. i think it is normal for us to have dreams about our pets getting hurt because we take responsibility. i also think the news story has a big part of why you had this dream.

    4. I agree with your interpretation too. The news story definitely had an impact of what your dream was about. Dreaming about my pets is a common thing for me too, and it is always about getting hurt.

  5. Title: Drive

    Manifest Content: I’m alone running through hallways trying to get out of the building I’m in. The halls are lined with navy blue lockers and crowded with desks and books. It’s a maze for me to get from one end to another. I think something is chasing me. Finally, I find stairs and sprint down them. I feel panicked and out of breath. Finally, I see light and run to the door to make it outside. My car is parked in front of the building, which looks like a big brick house. I realize I need my keys so run back in to find them laying on the ground. When I’m back in the building, I see my mom and my sister telling me to run. I run back outside and get into my car. I start my car and am hopeful that I will get out. I feel like it is taking me forever to do such a simple task. When I put my car in drive and step on the gas, my car actually reverses. Then I put my car in reverse, and my car moves forward. Finally, I am able drive the direction I want to but have no control over the steering wheel and I swerve all over the road. I finally reach the end of a long, dirt road surrounded by woods, and then I wake up.

    Latent Content: This dream was extremely weird to me. It definitely touched on Freud’s concept of condensation since it appeared that I was in a school, but my mom and sister were there. I think this dream may mean that I am running from something in real life. The entire dream I was in constant fear and clearly running from something, although I had no idea what I was running from. I’m not sure why I went from running on my feet to running away by car, but I think both show the frustration and panic of something going on in my life. My lack of control over the steering wheel of my car may represent the lack of control I have over an issue in my life.

    1. Maybe you are running from something that your sister and mother can help you with, Since they told you to run when you went back into the building. And the aspect of the car not being controlled easily could be the way you find the problem you are running from, its showing you that the problem isn't as easily solved as you think it is.

    2. I have dreams like this a lot. Usually I find it's because I'm really stressed about something and am trying to find a way to work it out, hence the maze. I often also dream that my car isn't working how you think it would. When that happens it's usually because I am confused about something so everything else in my dream gets messed up too.

  6. Title: Weird Concert
    Manifest: This was a very short dream where I woke up and I am in a large room it looks like TD bank north Garden. As I move closer to a large group of people, I see that they are surrounding a stage where various artist are playing. But as I am listening to the music the the voice of the artist doesn't match the voice of the actual artist. Then i realized I am on stage and when I looked out to the crowed I woke up.
    Latent Content: The only thing that I could think that would influence this dream was that I went to a concert Sunday for a field trip with my music class and that I have been listening to a lot of music lately.

  7. Title: Graduation

    Manifest: I am waiting for my name to be called to come across the stage to accept my diploma and shake the president's hand. I don't recognize anyone around me but it was on the Nichols College campus. I thought that was odd but I didn't care, I just wanted to get it over with. We all listened to everyone talk about their lives and how successful we all will be and then it came time to start calling the names of the graduates. The names were being called off in alpha order and it got to the D's and they skipped over me. At first I thought they just messed up the order but it kept getting further and further down the list until the last person was called up and I was just sitting there. The ceremony kept going on and I didn't know what to do...
    Latent: I think this dream brought up a few different emotions I have about graduation. I am so ready to graduate but at the same time I don't want to because of how much fun the college lifestyle is.

    1. I know where you are coming from, I'm feeling those same emotions as well, as graduation comes up and the thought of leaving is more a bitter-sweet moment in our lives. I believe that is what your dream was maybe telling you.

    2. Interesting dream! I think your ready for graduation and don't have to worry about your name being skipped. There is a lot of mixed emotions about graduating. College is a great and you have to live every moment to enjoy it. Enjoy the rest of your year!

    3. Honestly I don' think anyone is ever ready to graduate, especially on time. I look at it like this graduating early is like leaving a party at 9:30pm. On a more serious topic I think the reason for this dream is your more concenered on what is going to happen once you graduate. What will the real world be like - and taking the next big step in life.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Title: Random Text

    Manifest: I was at Westfield state university visiting my boyfriend. hes playing video games with his roommate so im just laying on his bed reading and i get a text message. i look at my phone and its from this girl that my boyfriend is friends with. the text message was telling me that she likes him and they had a thing in the past and she wants him for herself. i look at my boyfriend and ask him about it and he said that they never had a thing and shes just a friend. His roommates girlfriend looked at me and she told me that she always had a feeling that girl liked him and she doesn't like her either.

    Latent: I think i had this dream because over the break i spent a few days at Westfeild with my boyfriend and this girl he used to like was snap-chatting and texting him non-stop. my boyfriends roommates girlfriend did tell me that she doesn't like the girl and thinks that shes bad news. the night i had this dream right before going to bed the girl snap-chatted him and he told me to open it because he didn't want to see it.

  10. Title: Where Am I?
    Content: So I think I am in Costa Rica, or that's what everyone keeps telling me. Everyone there is everyone I just got back from Puerto Rico with. I can remember being at the airport saying goodbye to all of them and saying I didn't wantto go because my birthday was in a few days and I wanted to be home for that. However, I guess I went. I wake up in a strange room with ym firends from home who tell me I slept through the whole plane and car ride to Costa Rica. I start feeling claustrophobic and run outside in my pajamas. My car is there so i get in and start driving. The road turns to a dirt path and then into a field. I have no idea where I am going. I decide to turn around, but my brakes aren't working. I panic and skid to a stop hitting a tree. I get turned around and head back. No one is in the hotel when I get there and I start yelling, "I have to get home for my birthday!"
    Interpretation: My birthday actually is in less than a week so that makes sense for it to be in my dream. Since I just got back from Puerto Rico and everyone on the trip was talking about wanting to travel again it makes sense that that was in there too. I do not think I am stressed or confused based on the dream content. I just think i was consolidating a lot of events.

    1. I totally agree! I've been having dreams about going back to puerto rico and traveling more and seeing more.

  11. Title: Clowns
    Manifest: I'm laying in my bed and I hear a chainsaw, and the noise is getting closer and closer, I keep my eyes focused on the door, when it seems like the chainsaw is right outside the door step, it stops, and I get a erie feeling that something bad it going to happen next. The door slowly opens and all I see is darknesses, and my heart is beating so fast and sweat is rolling down my face. There is was a killer clown! with a chainsaw coming right for me, and then it all stopped.
    Content: Not sure what my dream was telling to tell me, usual I'm not scared of clowns, but maybe this is a way my brain is telling me that I might be.

    1. I think that this dream is definitely exposing a few fears. It may be possible for you to be scared of someone or something trying to kill. The anticipation of seeing what was behind the chainsaw was most likely building up your fear and heart rate. As far as the clown, maybe this is your way of telling yourself that you may not be scared of a cute innocent clown, but in a different situation, such as one with a chainsaw, you would be very frightened.

  12. Title: Where am I?
    Manifest Content: I open my eyes and I am in a castle in medieval France. I am in a small room. I open a large heavy wooden door and walk through the corridor until I come to a great hall. There are many people and all are dresses in period clothing. I look down and I am as well. A man comes running up to me and asks if I found anything out. I tell him I do not know what he is talking about, a large group comes over and asks me where I have been and If I have their answers, but again I just keep telling them that I have no idea what they are talking about. Hate the feeling; I feel stressed that I do not know what is happening and no one will tell me what is going on. I turn around and I run out of the hall. I run up a spiral stair case into a tower and look out the window. I hear a deep voice; I turn around to see nothing, everything is black, I open my eyes, and wake up...
    Latent Content: I think that this dream may be the result of me recently starting to watch a show that takes place in medieval France. I have been trying to catch up so I ended up watching 5 episode in a row the other day. This may also be a fear that I have of not knowing, when I am in a situation like that with many people or just with a few close friends I like to know what is happening and not just sit back and watch while people are stressing.

  13. Title: Stressful Wedding
    Manifest: I had a dream about my best friend, Kelly, getting married. We were on our way to pick up her dress from the dry cleaners and Kelly kept telling me everything that I needed to do for her. I was getting annoyed because it was the day of her wedding and I needed to get ready as well. we got back to her apartment and we were running around like crazy trying to get everything ready. As she was getting her hair done I had to go get some of the guest for her wedding, including my parents and my boyfriend. As I was out getting them my car broke down and my boyfriend had to come pick me up. When he picked me up I kept crying about how stressed I was and it wasn’t even my wedding. Then we got back to the apartment and I could not find Kelly. My boyfriend and I looked everywhere for her and could not find her. Then she calls me and says that I am late to her wedding. She had told be the wrong time. My boyfriend and I sped to the place where the wedding was being held. As I walked in the room I saw how beautiful Kelly looked and everything seemed to mellow out.
    Latent: I was watching teen mom 2 the night before and one of them got married. I think that got me thinking about when my best friend would get married and how I would be the main person helping her out with everything and how stressful it will be.

  14. Title: I Can Fly
    Content: The dream started out with me at the Cape Cod Canal. I was just walking the canal with my family, and I was climbing on the rocks. I was just goofing off pretending to jump into the water. If you ever jumped into the water at the Canal you would be swept away. I started to run ahead and I saw some rocks up high. I decided to climb these rocks and see where it went from there. I went and climbed and I was at the top when I slipped. I slipped and I was going to fall in the water. Except I didn’t fall in the water, all of a sudden I was up in the sky, and I could see my family. I was flying around. I flew around everyone. Of course, I am afraid of heights so I wanted to get down as soon as possible. I was having trouble getting down and I was starting to get very nervous. It was very scary. I woke up because I was scared so, I didn’t finish the dream.
    Interpretation: My interpretation is that I am not ready for something. I don’t think I am ready to be a junior in college soon. This year flew by quickly and I am not ready for the next year. Also I just talked to my advisor about scheduling and internships so that stressed me out a little.

    1. That is a very interesting dream, Madison. I think that you flying could symbolize two things: 1) you may feel like you are flying through your college years 2) you may feel like you are having fun now, your sophomore year of college, it's almost like you are flying but once you return in the fall you don't feel at all prepared to take on whatever the future has in store for you.

  15. Title: Into the Deep

    Content: In this dream I am at the beach and just kind of standing there by myself. It is very vivid and the wind is blowing and the sun is warm and it just feels really good. Suddenly I feel the compulsion to just walk into the sea for a swim. The water is cold but quickly I get use to it and continue to just walk into the ocean. The farther I go the better it feels, like scratching an itch, and so I just keep going till I can't see land anymore. Eventually I get worried by not being able to see land and the panic wakes me.

    Interpretation: This is a really weird dream because it starts out as a really cool dream that makes me want for summer to hurry up. But then it turns into a kind of nightmare as I panic about being out so far. I'm not sure what it's all about or why I have a compulsion to go out so far. This is just a weird dream.

    1. I find this dream very interesting, It is kind of like my dream with the great sandwich and than, BAM! a spider. Maybe in your case your dream was telling you that even when all is going well that you still end up having a guard up of some kind. Your dream was going really well and the fact that you panicked can say a lot about how you really may feel inside when things are going well.

  16. Title: why spiders?

    Manifest Content: It was me in the back seat of the vehicle and my mother was driving. we were heading somewhere but I am not sure where. I guess we got hungry because we stopped at a Dunkin Donuts; Dunkin donuts sounded so good at that time i couldn't wait to get to eat my sausage egg and cheese on a bagel. When i got it, it was steamy and the cheese was melted just the way I liked it; the best sandwich ever! it was even cut in half just the way I liked them. as I went to take a bite of one of the halves I seen a ginormous spider on my sandwich. It was the biggest scariest spider I have ever seen it looked like a daddy long legs on steroids mixed with a tarantula. after that I woke up.

    Latent content: I think there was a lot of weird things in this dream because one, me and my mother do not drive so the fact that we were driving together in this dream blows my mind. second I don't ever get a sausage, egg, and cheese on a bagel I always get them on a croissant. so I found that very interesting. as for what the dream meant as a whole I really am not sure except for noting the fact that I had a very out of place dream. Maybe because I came home for break and things were different at home I subconsciously mixed things up in my dream? other than that theory I have no idea.

    1. Perhaps you have a loose connection with your mother and you want to repair it and be closer to her, which would explain you both driving together. As far as the food being on a bagel instead of croissant, maybe you want something to change. Maybe you want to try new things but might be afraid of the consequences explained by the spider being on it.

    2. Perhaps there is something in your life that scares you (represented by the spider) such as change or maybe something else and your unconscious is telling you that you should not deal with it on your own! Your unconscious might be telling you that your mom is here for you and "along for the ride" no matter what happens and she'll help you through! Just a thought :)

  17. Title: Get me Back

    Content: It is warm my feet are is sand and I feel a warm breeze flow by my face. I suddenly open my eyes to find that I'm on an island. There is no one around but myself. I fall back into the sand and look above where I see the clouds moving quickly so that it gets warmer and warmer. I am completely relaxed and no one is around to bother me. Suddenly I hear huge foot steps coming closer and closer to me. BUT there is nothing there I just feel these foot steps. Once the noises stop I look back up to the blue sky to find job application and graduate school applications piled up falling right in front of me. Once the last paper lands the sky completely turns grey. The sand starts to turn to tare and I am suddenly stuck with all of these papers attaching to me. Theres no way out but to close my eyes and wake up.
    Interpretation: I too just got back from Puerto Rico and was so relaxed the entire time and want to go back. Before the trip I was swamped with grad school applications and job applications for the fall. I don't wanna be trapped just worrying about those!

    1. Its very interesting to see that a couple of dreams i seen were about being on a beach and sudden stress kicks in. Like your dream, it seems that many people were happy to be somewhere else on vacation and suddenly thought about the stress of school.

    2. Yes sounds like you have lots to do! Maybe procrastination a little. Vacations are awsome and often think about stuff we are supposed to do at home while on them. Sounds like your qualified for a lot, so you can handle it!

    3. This may be your minds way of telling to that even though you are ready to check out and be done and have a break, that you must keep going! Your unconscious may be giving you a push and telling you that despite your doubts you can do it! Just a thought :)

  18. Title: The Chase
    Content: My dream starts out kind of cloudy. I am in a football stadium looking for my friend. I see her but I can never catch her and all I want to do is talk to her because she's mad at me. Every time I think I'm getting close and closer to her or closer to finding her, I never find her or she changes locations. I run around the entire stadium looking for her until I finally catch up to her. I begin to apologize for whatever I did wrong but she doesn't want to hear it. She begins yelling at me and telling me that she never wants to see me again and that she's going to walk away and never look back. I don't know what to say or do in order to make her stay, I get really, really sad and upset. Then I wake up.
    Interpretation: I think I had this dream because me and my friend got in to a fight recently and stopped talking. I over thought the situation a lot to the point where I had two recurring dreams about it. We hadn't talked for a week and I kept wanting to text her but I didn't. When we finally spoke it turned in to a fight again but in the end, we decided to end things on good terms. I think this dream ended the way I didn't want our friendship to end.

  19. Title: Road Trip
    Manifest Content: I got out of work with my friend Tyrus and two other women that i don't recognize. We go on this road trip and somehow end up in another country. We end up finding a 24 hour grocery store we get good then leave to the beach. At this time, it is about 3 in the morning and I knew I had school soon. We end up meeting with this older woman who doesnt speak english so i follow her. She makes me work some campus coffee shop until about 6 in the morning. I fall asleep at 6 and wake up at 8 to get to school for 9. I was in class and dozing off while professor Davis is giving the lecture. I keep dozing off in class and everyone is making fun of me while the professor is reminding me the importance of sleep. I then try to come up with excuses but i fell asleep and actually wake up.
    Latent Content: I feel like school has stressed me out a lot and is making it harder to focus on other things while sleeping. It just so happened that I was thinking about professor Davis's sleep and dreams class. I have always wanted to go on a road trip and i have also been thinking a lot about doing one lately. Also traveling to another country has been on my list for sometime.

  20. Title: Our Phones

    Manifest: My dream was somewhere dark it almost appeared as an alley. My roommate and I were sharing a table pressed against what seemed to be an old abandoned building. I'm not sure what we were doing there but it seemed to be normal in the dream. We heard something on the news about three people going around in a mini van killing people for their belongings. It seemed to be a few hours later when we saw a mini van coming our way. We were in the same spot just hanging out there. I told my roommate I thought that we were in trouble. Three rough looking people came out; one of them was a female the other two were weak looking males. Out of all things for some reason alls they were interested in were our cell phones. For some reason I was not ready to give up my cell phone, and I told my roommate not to give hers up either. I remember telling my roommate to defend herself and not to stop into the three people were dead. I remember beating them, it was a struggle but we ended up killing them. I remember having such a strong feeling that if we did not kill them than they would have killed us and many more people. We sat back down like nothing had happened and then woke up.

    Latent: I think this was more of a nightmare. I remember that I was very scared during the dream and had a feeling a fright when I woke up. I'm not sure what this dream is trying to tell me. I hope it's NOT saying that I would kill for my iPhone! I think I was trying to be the hero in the dream, and stop these people from killing more people.

  21. Title: can't wait

    Dream: I have been having a bunch of the same dreams all about nice weather, car shows and beach and working outside. I can not wait until warm weather. I work on side for myself. I do a bunch of outside work. I've been dreaming of the beach, every year my family goes to mayflower beach For. A week. I can't wait . I haven't gone in a few years but this year I am. Car shows are real fun love going to them.

    Interpretation: my dad just left for vacation to Aruba and got me thinking about the summer and outside stuff. I can't stand the cold anymore. I want warm. Every time I wake up and go outside I say can't wait for summer. This will be the first summer with my parents divorce, very different atmosphere. I'm liking the separation and growth from experience and growing as a person. I will enjoy this summer very much.

  22. Title: cornfield
    Dream: last night I dreamed of being in a cornfield, I was with my buddy from home and we were looking for our friends house. It was strange because I don't know how we ended up in a corn field. We were searching and searching but there was no luck. But suddenly we came across an old friend, he told us which direction to head and we ended up at this baseball field in the middle of a corn field. There had to be a couple thousand people there. A game was going on so my friend and I grabbed something to drink and watched the game. It was a nice day out so it made the experience very peaceful.
    Interpretation: I believe I had this dream because all I have been wanting to do lately is get outside in the warm weather and play baseball. But it's been cold out and coming back from Florida during spring break being warm and sunny to this has been a real buzz kill!

  23. Title: DArkness

    Manifest: The dream starts off with me in a room that seems familiar but can't quiet tell. we are all just sitting around and talking to each other. We go from talking to sipping on some drinks. Everything was literally going great unit l suddenly the lights went out. The dream suddenly turned into a game show. Sort of like a game of clue, we had to find the person that was killing off the opponents. Key thing is you better get to him before he gets you. My dream felt like it was forever - like I never going to find this guy. I felt his presence all around me but he didn't seem to attack me just yet. IT was like he was toying with me before he actually was going to end my life. Suddenly i felt a touch on my shoulder and before i could turn around i woke up.

    LAtent: Lately I just been having dreams that do not make any sense or have really any relevance to my life. It's just like my dreams feel like a movie reel, playing all sort of random dreams.

  24. Title: The weirdest day of fishing

    Dream: I was put into a competition with my friend against a bunch of other people but there were clouds in the water that we had to "dig" through to see the bottom of the ocean but it wasn't ice. The point of the competition was to find this little fish that was pink and blue that was supposedly the most ferocious fish in the ocean. After a couple hours of searching through the water i found this door to a back office and it was pitch black but there was an outline of a suit jacket with a puddle of water in it. I looked in it and there the little fish was i grabbed my friend from the dock and we picked up the jacket and went into the bathroom to try to contain and maybe knock it out. After fighting it for a couple mins and it attacking us I woke up.

    Interpretation: It was a pretty odd dream but i think it was a bunch of thoughts i had during the day. I don't know where the fishing came from bunch my friend i had just talked to on the phone and the people i was competing against were all friends from school. It was odd for sure but i do remember it vividly.

    1. If one was to take it from Freud's perspective, perhaps the fish represents something that you greatly desire and know what it is (unlike those around you) but have to fight and wrestle with yourself or outside forces to get it. For example, you may know what you want to do after graduation but are fighting to make the plans concrete! Just a thought :)

  25. Changed

    Manifest Content: My dream started off with me being in a room. There are a lot of other people, people I used to consider a big part of my life. I recall how much these people had changed since I had last been around them. I recall how I didn't care for who they were now. All of the sudden, one person in particular comes up to me and starts talking. It's almost like normal. Like it was before everyone changed and before the friendships had fallen apart. He was being so nice to me, like nothing had ever happened. Inside my mind I was so confused about what was happening. At the same time I was so happy about it for some reason. I kept thinking of how to ask why he had changed so much and why he was suddenly being nice to me again? I never got up the courage to ask because I was afraid of things going back to the way they were. Back to being alone. Although things were good, there was still a part in the back of my mind warning me against accepting the niceness. I woke up shortly after the worry set in in my dream.

    Interpretation: I think this dream definitely shows some wish fulfillment. It reflects things I wish I could change, but now that I know how things turned out. I wouldn't want to go back to that, I'd be wary and cautious if this did actually happen, as I was in the dream.

  26. Title: The Epic of the Lyrics

    Manifest Content: I was in my living room in Copper Beech I with two of my roommates Emalee and Becca. We started to get in a heated discussion about who originally wrote the song "All of Me" that John Legend has recently released. Throughout the dream, we spoke the lyrics as mere conversation rather than sing them. At point, I got very angry at my roommates for not listening to me because I knew that Tori Amos was the original person who wrote and sung that song but they would not listen. I began to curse at them and say they did not know what they were talking about. I then went on my phone and proved I was right.

    Latent: First off, I must clarify that I know the song is John Legend's. I am unsure as to why I was convinced in my dream that Tori Amos wrote it. The only possible explanation is that I had this dream because I went to bed with my headphones in and this song played all night. I think my unconscious incorporate the background noise into my dream. I feel Tori Amos might have been included because right before I went to bed, I explained to my roommate who she was and why I knew so many of her songs.


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