Manifest: Lately I have been having an interesting strain of nightmares. The most recent one I had was so strange. I helped a strange man I head never seen before with a request of his. When I was done I went home. He followed me. He broke into my house with two other guys and they took me to this dark, dingy, and wet concrete place. The men changed me to a chair and placed a T.V. in front of me. I was forced to watch one by one as they killed they people I loved. It was horrible. I managed to get a hold of a phone but when I called home my parents did not believe me. As my punishment for stealing a phone they were going to kill my parents next. The men had already killed my best friend Steven, my bosses, a few other friends and my siblings. I did not actually see them kill my parents because I woke up right before it happened.
Latent: I think this dream had more to do with my fears about losing the people that I love than it has to do with my being afraid of being taken. I don't have a conscious fear of being taken. It is never something that has really bothered me and I'm not sure why. I do however, have a very real fear of losing everyone I love, not necessarily to death. I am always afraid that people will leave me for one reason or the other. I believe it is linked to my separation anxiety problems.
I've had dreams very similar to this. I agree completely with your interpretation. I think the dream definitely shows your fear of losing the ones you love.
I feel like we have dreams like this because some part of us is afraid of death and we aren't ready for it to encounter those who are very close to us. Dreams about death are really critical and touch us in a frightening way.
The dream: I went to a rather shady casino one night with my roommate and my friend who I see all the time at school. We walked in and it was dark and my roommate walk into a room to go grab some money from some guy that he knew so we ended up getting $500 dollars a piece to go gamble. I don't know why but we did. I went right to the slots and started pressing my luck. After about three times I pulled it and my friend was like hey its these girls from our school. He went over and went to talk to them i looked back and took a glance over. when I looked back all i saw was Congratulations. I was quite eager to see how much i won. It came up with the amount My jaw dropped it was $49,525. I got really excited and everyone was going nuts I went to cash in and I woke up.
Interpretation: I wish this happened to me it would of been awesome but from a symbolism point of view Maybe the Congratulations was for graduating this year. My friends and Roommate we were all hanging out that day, and the girls in the dream we saw that day. I don't know but i wish we had more of those dreams
I agree with Emily and Ross about wish fulfillment. Maybe the money represents you graduating and the second you looked away represents how quickly your four years have gone by! Just a thought :)
Manifest Content: I’m standing in front of a brick building that is suppose to be my house. It’s nighttime and I can see flashing red lights. I’m with my dad, mom, and sister. The house behind ours is on fire and flames are bursting everywhere. I felt very scared and nervous. We packed a lot of our things up into two cars just in case our house started on fire too. My dad, sister, and I took one car and my mom took the other. As we started driving, there was so much traffic because everyone was trying to leave. I turned around in the car and noticed the fire was spreading. I then looked to see if my mom was right behind us and I couldn’t find her. I called her cell phone over and over and she didn’t answer. I started yelling at my dad telling him that we shouldn’t have let her go alone. Then I woke up.
Latent Content: I think I had this dream since I’ve been watching the news on the Back Bay fire in Boston. I think the dream overall represents my fear of losing the people in my family and specifically my mom in this instance. The fire could possibly represent a problem, fear, or challenge in my life that I am running from. In my dream I felt guilty about having my mom go by herself, so I chose to take it out on my dad. This could possibly represent how I feel I handle situations in real life.
Manifest Content: A week after my grandmother passed away I had a very vivid dream about her. I was at a summer family pool party, and was swimming in the pool with my family. All of a sudden, I looked up and saw my grandmother standing outside of the pool looking at me. She was wearing a black dress, with big black and white buttons, with a big black floppy hat. Once I saw her I immediately ran out of the pool and started to run up to her. As I went to hug her she told me to stop because I was soaking wet and I would ruin her dress. I was balling my eyes out crying and kept asking her why she was her. Her response was that "this is exactly where she belonged". Once I was finally able to hug her, I woke up.
Latent Content: I believe I had this dream, better yet I know I had this dream because I simply miss my grandmother. This is the first time I actually lost someone that was fairly close to me and I didn't know how to cope. I feel like this dream gave me a sense of comfort and closure. Come to terms that she is actually gone and I need to learn how to accept that.
Title: Where am i? Content: I am running. I am running down a paved, deserted road I have never seen before. I feel like I must be being followed, but I look around and there is no one there. I see my friend up ahead just standing by the side of the road. She is waving at me to hurry up. I catch up to her and she says we have to hurry. I ask her why and she says, "Because they'll be back soon." She looks panicky. Suddenly we are standing in a hallway that has a bunch of rooms down it. The setting is very modern and colorful. There are no doors on the hallway, just heavy shwoer curtains. I am in a sort of big-brother-esc place. There are cameras in the ceiling and I know I'm being watched. I am trying to find my partner as everyone else has one. I can't find them; I don't even know who I am looking for. My friend says she will help me. I walk in front of the elevator and I know we are not supposed to change floors, But i feel my partner is on floor five. I push the five button and hide behind a corner. I wait for these official people to step off and my friend and I quickly run on. Floor five is like an apocolyptic zone. It is hot and dry and there are peopel running and screaming. The official on the floor eyes my friend and I and we try to act like we belong there. She finally runs us down and asks us why we left our floor. I say, "I've lot my partner and I need to find them. Please don't hurt us" She says she is sending me back to my floor. My friend is gone. i say I cannot leave without her. The official shines a light on me and I wake up. Interpretaion: I have variations fo this dream often. i am always trying to find someone and someone else is always following me. I have no idea what this could mean in my waking life. maybe that I'm running from something? Stress maybe?
Maybe you are scared of losing someone that is closed to you or that you do not want to be followed by people you want to be independent. Depending on the timing of this dream like iif you had a test or paper coming up it could be related to stress.
Perhaps you are running from a problem in your life that may be with a friend or a significant other. Maybe your unconscious is allowing you to play through the issues in your head so by the time you find your "partner" you'll have the answers. Just a thought :)
Title: Soaring Manifest: I am dreaming of a dream I have had many times before. I stand up from sitting on the living room couch and I start floating. As soon as this happens, I made the connection that I was able to fly because I've had this dream so many times before but its weird because I don't wake up. I decide to fly back home, up to New Hampshire. Instead of taking a logical straight route right up to my house, I take the exact same route as if I was driving on the road. After switching from highway to highway I finally make it home. I see all my family and then I wake up. Latent: I think this dream is definitely wish fulfillment, like most of my dreams. I am going back home next weekend for Easter and I am really excited to see all my family and my dogs!
Your dream is definitely wish fulfillment, like you said having this dream before your brain knows what it wants and knows that you will be going home soon, I'm sure you want to be home just as bad as your brain does!
Title: Out Manifest: In my dream I was moving out into my new apartment and so excited to be out on my own with my fiancé and daughter that I guess I got caught up in the moment of adulthood that I become scared and it become dark. A man stood by the door and was breaking into my apartment when I ran to grab a bat too protect myself and my family I ran out into the hall way and his was heading right for me and then my dream ended. Latent: What I believe my dream was telling me that adulthood can be scary and moving out from mom and dad's is a big step, while protecting my family goes to show that I'm now the man of the house and gives me a sense to provide and protect them.
I agree with your interpretation! I think this is your unconscious' way of playing out your fear of change. I think you have major anxieties about the change and the mysterious man represents the threat of not making it on your own. I think if you have it again, your unconscious want you to face him head on with the bat! It may seem scary but you can do it! Just a thought :)
I also agree, I think that your mind is trying to help you work through a fear and show you that change is not all that bad. When the dream takes a twist for the worst and a man is trying to break into your apartment it is showing you that you can do it, you instinctively reach for the bat, because you already know how to handle the situation, it is just another practice.
Title: Getting Chase Manifest Content: I woke up but I was not home I was at my house, I get dressed/ready to go to work and it feels like I am getting followed by somthing, I get into my car and I start driving in my car down my road, And another car pulls out of my driveway (I was the only car in the driveway). I continue, not thinking anything of it. I took a left off my road to continue to go to work and the car follows me never changing their speed or trying to pass. I get to my work's parking lot and I get out of my car and has the car passes me I look into the window then I wake up. Latent Content: I'm really lost for this dream I do not know what any of this means in real life. I have never been followed or previous dreams of being followed or chased.
Perhaps you have some underlying stress that you might not understand. You could be stressed out and not know the reasoning for it. This could explain not being able to see who was driving the car. You might also be concerned (again, without knowledge) that everything is going to catch up to you. You might think you can put things off for a while but eventually it will catch up to you.
Title: Prison Escape Manifest: I am on top of a hill with a bunch of friends. We are having fun playing games outside. Someone threw a frisbee at me and I fell and rolled down the hill. At the bottom on the hill there were bad people, kind of like prisoners. When I got to the bottom the guy picked me up and took me like a prisoner, but now I was a prisoner too. I got an orange jumpsuit and all. I started my day to day life as a prisoner. It wasn’t like any other prison. We got to do a lot within the prison. I got my hands on a cell phone and planned an escape with my friend Kelly who was in there with me. Once Kelly and I got together we broke out of the prison and hopped into a car. We started driving down side roads so that we would not get caught. We ended up turning down the wrong road and there was a police officer in the middle of the road. Once he saw us I tried to push on the gas really hard but it would not go anywhere. Then I woke up. Latent: I think that I had this dream because I was watching a lot of prison shows the past couple days. Also I was talking with my friend about him being a corrections officer.
That is cool because its like the same thing that happened to me but with music, I think that if you think something enough in the day you will dream about it because its still in the back of your mind.
Content: My dream started at work, and the manager who was closing let me leave early because I was doing such a good job, and he wanted to fire some of the other people in my department. For some reason, some of my friends from Nichols were outside, and we all started walking towards the employee parking lot. Somebody said that a plane was falling out of the sky, but it was actually a UFO. It landed in the parking lot, narrowly missing my car, and drilled underground. It resurfaced in front of the building, and started blowing everything up. Next thing I knew, I was at home and there were two cars trying to rearrange themselves in my driveway. Several strange people in suits climbed out, and my mom shouted not to let them in. My girlfriend's future self came in through a portal in the living room, to inform me that the world was going to end, that she would be dead in twenty years, and I would be left to raise our future children alone. She left me with a file containing instructions on how to stop the apocalypse, and a future family photo. Then my dream ended.
Interpretation: The beginning of my dream probably came from the fact that management is considering getting rid of two of the lesser workers in my department, and we're all aware of it. The plane/UFO was likely related to reading a lot of articles about the missing plane, while the rearranging cars comes from my family always having to rearrange our cars when somebody needs to leave due to the number of cars in our driveway. Anything after that is beyond me.
Title: Sunny Days Manifest Content: The air smells like fresh flowers, I feel a breeze sweep through my hair. I place my hand on the ground and feel the grass around me. I am sitting in my backyard it is summer. I lay back and just sit with the sun on my face knowing I have nothing to do. I feel so clam and relaxed. I hear my name and get up to walk back to the house when I open the deck door, I wake up... Latent Content: I think that the dream is clearly wish fulfillment in wanting summer. I am ready for a break from work and just want to relax and my mind knows that.
I really want summer to come too! I find that this time of the year we are telling ourselves that we want the warm weather to come faster then ever. We are also so over the long days of school that we just want to relax. This is the good thing about dreams.
I agree with you interpretation. Summer is coming and feels like it is coming real soon! This dream is probably wanting to be out of school and enjoying time off and good weather
Title: What is going on? Manifest content: My dream was so random and all over the place. I was at my house, and I had this very eerie feeling through out the dream. Things were falling off shelves in my house for no reason and sounds like screams were coming from outside. I was home alone and decided that I didn't feel comfortable so I grabbed my keys out of the key draw in my kitchen and went out the door. I could hear this creepy music, like the one you would hear in a scary movie and it started to get a little dark. The wind began to pick up and I dashed to my car from my porch. I opened my car door and put the keys in the ignition as fast as I could. I put my car in reverse looked in my rear view mirror like I always do as I'm about to back up into the turn around in my drive way, and that's when I saw a man in the woods just staring at me car. Of course I got out of the car and looked to make sure what I was seeing was real but he had disappeared. Then I heard foot steps and yelling. I got so freaked out that I got back in my car and left. I saw the man again as I drove down my driveway but I had no idea who it was. Latent content: I really have no clue what this dream was about. Maybe I dreamt that there was someone one standing behind my car in the woods because I am overly paranoid when I am home alone and always feel like I am being watched. I think this dream felt so eerie to me because it had do with the woods. I've always been nervous around the woods if I am by myself, even though I live in the middle of the woods and grew up around the woods it still creeps me out.
Content: My eyes open. I am in a van type spacecraft that is carrying my girlfriend and other random people that I don’t know. The van is going faster and faster as if it were a rollercoaster ride. All of a sudden we come to a harsh stop and the machine tips to the side making everyone go sideways. I unbuckle myself then my girlfriend and then it becomes black. Next thing I know we are all in some hospital with bandages wrapped around our heads and waiting on medical beds. We are all confused to be there because the accident didn’t do anything to any of us. No one was hurt at all. Strange doctors, like out of a sci-fi movie, come to each of our beds and explain we might have bleeding in our brains. I begin to react saying there’s nothing wrong with all of us we are fine. They say that we must all have brain surgery to detect if there is bleeding. All I could think about is how long it was going to take and why is this happening. The recovery would take four days and I wouldn’t be able to go to Spring Weekend at school. My girlfriend and I took our bandages off and started to run from the doctors. We run out the front doors and find ourselves falling down into nothingness. I awaken. Interpretation: I think the main reason is I don’t want anything to disrupt my senior spring weekend plans. I really don’t understand the whole doctor sci-fi scenes of this dream.
Title: Trip to Boston Content: I was with my roommates, and one has never been to Boston. We decided to go over one weekend. We went wicked early so we could get early and spend the whole day. We had tickets to go the Red Sox game that night so we would walk around and then go to the game. We arrived at the Prudential Center and walked around there for a bit. We all went to a restaurant and after the restaurant one of our roommates, went to the bathroom. She never came back. We had to search for her, and the worst part is she could be anywhere. We didn’t know where she went. We searched until the Red Sox game, so we eventually went to Fenway Park. We got into our seats and the national anthem was about to play. The announced who was singing and it was our roommate. She was picked to sing the national anthem how strange? The anthem ended and it was actually good. She came back to our seats and we watched the Red Sox game. Interpretation: My interpretation one this dream is the night before, we all talked about going to a Red Sox game in Boston and visiting. My roommates if from New York and has never been to Boston. I think I just had this dream because we were talking about it before.
That is a very interesting dream. I agree that you probably dreamt this because you recently had a conversation about going to Boston. Sometimes I dream about conversations that I have during that day because I always mentally walk through my day before I fall asleep.
Dream: this is a dream I had a couple of days ago. It involved one of my old friends' parents and we were going to a car show or we were in their garage. It was weird because I haven't talked in 4 months. I haven't seen them or thought of them in a while. I was kinda scared a little bit because no one was talking. It was awkward and I felt the cause of the silence like that I did something to cause it. The entire time walking around and everything was silence. I think I tried to start a conversation but was not taken.
Interpretation: I woke up feeling that they were thinking of me and that was the message? In a dream? Sometimes I think of things we did and think of what we did and stuff. Certain cars remind me and songs! Haha maybe it was my mind switching up sonarios to ease my mind to stop thinking about them.
Title: jaws Dream: I was on the beach with my friends and I saw a fin sticking out of the water swimming towards someone. But no one saw it, not even the life guards, I sprinted into the water and the person who was in danger got away and I ended up wrestling the shark to shore. A bunch of people took pictures with me and then I opened the sharks mouth and a bird flew out, thanked me for saving his life and flew away. But it was weird because the person who I saved didn't thank me, I was mad. Then I met my future wife at a beach bar, got married and had a kid. Interpretation: I truly don't know why I had this dream, but I felt like it was a combination of mixed feelings I have had all week. A feeling of being maybe unappreciated, loved, unnoticed and brave. Kind of strange when I think about it.
Title: Stress Content: Last night I had a very short dream. I was sitting in a room with my roommates and we were making snacks. I bit in to a nacho and one of my teeth fell out. Then another and another. I took a little mirror and looked at my teeth and they were crumbling in my mouth and would fall out after the lightest touch. Then I woke up. Interpretation: My roommate said I was grinding my teeth last night louder than she has ever heard me grind my teeth. I know that I grind my teeth when I am really stressed and with housing coming up and the end of the semester, I am extremely stressed out. I woke up with a sore jaw.
I definitely think your dream was brought on by stress, and also maybe the feeling induced by you grinding your teeth very hard. It could also be possible since your aware of you grinding your teeth, that you have some what of a fear that your grinding could have a big effect on your teeth; the teeth falling out was just an exaggeration of what you fear could happen
Manifest Content: I'm in a van. I don't know most of the people that are in it with me. We are driving around. I have no clue where we are or where we are heading and every time I ask, everyone pretends they don't know me. I look out the windows and we're on a highway. The next time I look outside, we're in a jungle. Somebody says we might be in Africa. This confuses me because I didn't think we had been driving that long and I didn't see how it was possible to go from MA to Africa without going on a plane. We see people walking outside. We see jungle animals such as monkeys and tigers. I still don't know why we are here or where our next stop is.
Interpretation: I've been thinking about study abroad lately. I have no clue where I want to go, I don't know when I want to go and I'm a little worried about certain aspects of it such as being alone in a strange country and the expenses of it. I think the traveling aspect of my dream is represented through going to different places and the worries about not knowing where we are going represents my trouble in deciding where to go.
Manifest: My dream was more of like images/visions that real actions. I had a image of me smoking a cigarette. This was really odd to me. Then I had a quick dream that I backed up into a red sedan. I remember being very upset when I hit the car. Both dreams felt so real. There was no one in either of my dreams, I couldn't hear anything going on it was just all visions.
Latent: Im not really sure what this means. I have never smoked a cigarette, so it is very odd that I would have a dream of just me smoking cigarettes. My dream about wrecking my car was definitely a dream of fear. I bought a new car at the beginning of the year, and it would be devastating if I crashed it.
Manifest content: I was on my way to the dining hall and all of a sudden me and all of my friends began to break out into dance to the Miley Cyrus song "Do my thang" and we were dancing an singing to it on repeat over and over and I could see everyone getting sick of dancing but they could help but move.
Lantent content: Before I went to bed i could get that Miley song out of my head and I remember saying before I fell asleep that my mind was a jute box stuck on play and therefore I guess my dream was also a jute box stuck on play. Kind of cool if I do say so myself. :)
Manifest: I had a dream that i was at my boyfriends house.we were all in the living room and i was hungry so i went into the kitchen. While looking for something to eat I see a box of saltine crackers. I look around me and grab a pack and walk into my boyfriends room and shut and lock the door behind me. I sit on his bed and start eating the crackers, he come to the door to get in and starts telling me to unlock it. i dont want to so i take my time, while hes outside the door i stuff all the crackers in my mouth so he wouldnt know i ate them. I open the door and he asked me what i was doing and i told him i was laying down because i had a migraine. I went back into the living room with him and his family and all i kept thinking was " I didnt get sick, I didnt get sick" i was so happy i didnt get sick and then i woke up.
Latent: this dream was really weird to me. I dont know why i had this dream but the only explanation i have is that i have celiacs disease and can not eat anything that has gluten. I used to eat saltines all the time but havent had them in years.
Dear Class...thanks so much for your active participation over the past ten weeks. Now we can use your fascinating dreams for your sleep analysis term paper! Dr. D
Welcome to the final dream blog postings! I've seen a lot of progress so far this semester and look forward to reading this week's dreams!
ReplyDeleteDr. D
Title: Nightmares
ReplyDeleteManifest: Lately I have been having an interesting strain of nightmares. The most recent one I had was so strange. I helped a strange man I head never seen before with a request of his. When I was done I went home. He followed me. He broke into my house with two other guys and they took me to this dark, dingy, and wet concrete place. The men changed me to a chair and placed a T.V. in front of me. I was forced to watch one by one as they killed they people I loved. It was horrible. I managed to get a hold of a phone but when I called home my parents did not believe me. As my punishment for stealing a phone they were going to kill my parents next. The men had already killed my best friend Steven, my bosses, a few other friends and my siblings. I did not actually see them kill my parents because I woke up right before it happened.
Latent: I think this dream had more to do with my fears about losing the people that I love than it has to do with my being afraid of being taken. I don't have a conscious fear of being taken. It is never something that has really bothered me and I'm not sure why. I do however, have a very real fear of losing everyone I love, not necessarily to death. I am always afraid that people will leave me for one reason or the other. I believe it is linked to my separation anxiety problems.
I've had dreams very similar to this. I agree completely with your interpretation. I think the dream definitely shows your fear of losing the ones you love.
DeleteI feel like we have dreams like this because some part of us is afraid of death and we aren't ready for it to encounter those who are very close to us. Dreams about death are really critical and touch us in a frightening way.
DeleteTitle: so close but so far
ReplyDeleteThe dream: I went to a rather shady casino one night with my roommate and my friend who I see all the time at school. We walked in and it was dark and my roommate walk into a room to go grab some money from some guy that he knew so we ended up getting $500 dollars a piece to go gamble. I don't know why but we did. I went right to the slots and started pressing my luck. After about three times I pulled it and my friend was like hey its these girls from our school. He went over and went to talk to them i looked back and took a glance over. when I looked back all i saw was Congratulations. I was quite eager to see how much i won. It came up with the amount My jaw dropped it was $49,525. I got really excited and everyone was going nuts I went to cash in and I woke up.
Interpretation: I wish this happened to me it would of been awesome but from a symbolism point of view Maybe the Congratulations was for graduating this year. My friends and Roommate we were all hanging out that day, and the girls in the dream we saw that day. I don't know but i wish we had more of those dreams
This dream is definitely characteristic of wish fullfilment. It's really interesting though how exactthe amounts of money were.
DeleteDamn, wish that was true too! I think this is wish fulfillment with the winnings. Maybe this dream is telling you to go try your luck at the casino?
DeleteI agree with Emily and Ross about wish fulfillment. Maybe the money represents you graduating and the second you looked away represents how quickly your four years have gone by! Just a thought :)
DeleteTitle: Burning Fire
ReplyDeleteManifest Content: I’m standing in front of a brick building that is suppose to be my house. It’s nighttime and I can see flashing red lights. I’m with my dad, mom, and sister. The house behind ours is on fire and flames are bursting everywhere. I felt very scared and nervous. We packed a lot of our things up into two cars just in case our house started on fire too. My dad, sister, and I took one car and my mom took the other. As we started driving, there was so much traffic because everyone was trying to leave. I turned around in the car and noticed the fire was spreading. I then looked to see if my mom was right behind us and I couldn’t find her. I called her cell phone over and over and she didn’t answer. I started yelling at my dad telling him that we shouldn’t have let her go alone. Then I woke up.
Latent Content: I think I had this dream since I’ve been watching the news on the Back Bay fire in Boston. I think the dream overall represents my fear of losing the people in my family and specifically my mom in this instance. The fire could possibly represent a problem, fear, or challenge in my life that I am running from. In my dream I felt guilty about having my mom go by herself, so I chose to take it out on my dad. This could possibly represent how I feel I handle situations in real life.
I agree with your interpertation, when we fear something we usually dream about it. Also after watching something like that we usually dream about it.
ReplyDeleteManifest Content: A week after my grandmother passed away I had a very vivid dream about her. I was at a summer family pool party, and was swimming in the pool with my family. All of a sudden, I looked up and saw my grandmother standing outside of the pool looking at me. She was wearing a black dress, with big black and white buttons, with a big black floppy hat. Once I saw her I immediately ran out of the pool and started to run up to her. As I went to hug her she told me to stop because I was soaking wet and I would ruin her dress. I was balling my eyes out crying and kept asking her why she was her. Her response was that "this is exactly where she belonged". Once I was finally able to hug her, I woke up.
Latent Content: I believe I had this dream, better yet I know I had this dream because I simply miss my grandmother. This is the first time I actually lost someone that was fairly close to me and I didn't know how to cope. I feel like this dream gave me a sense of comfort and closure. Come to terms that she is actually gone and I need to learn how to accept that.
Title: Where am i?
ReplyDeleteContent: I am running. I am running down a paved, deserted road I have never seen before. I feel like I must be being followed, but I look around and there is no one there. I see my friend up ahead just standing by the side of the road. She is waving at me to hurry up. I catch up to her and she says we have to hurry. I ask her why and she says, "Because they'll be back soon." She looks panicky. Suddenly we are standing in a hallway that has a bunch of rooms down it. The setting is very modern and colorful. There are no doors on the hallway, just heavy shwoer curtains. I am in a sort of big-brother-esc place. There are cameras in the ceiling and I know I'm being watched. I am trying to find my partner as everyone else has one. I can't find them; I don't even know who I am looking for. My friend says she will help me. I walk in front of the elevator and I know we are not supposed to change floors, But i feel my partner is on floor five. I push the five button and hide behind a corner. I wait for these official people to step off and my friend and I quickly run on. Floor five is like an apocolyptic zone. It is hot and dry and there are peopel running and screaming. The official on the floor eyes my friend and I and we try to act like we belong there. She finally runs us down and asks us why we left our floor. I say, "I've lot my partner and I need to find them. Please don't hurt us" She says she is sending me back to my floor. My friend is gone. i say I cannot leave without her. The official shines a light on me and I wake up.
Interpretaion: I have variations fo this dream often. i am always trying to find someone and someone else is always following me. I have no idea what this could mean in my waking life. maybe that I'm running from something? Stress maybe?
Maybe you are scared of losing someone that is closed to you or that you do not want to be followed by people you want to be independent. Depending on the timing of this dream like iif you had a test or paper coming up it could be related to stress.
DeletePerhaps you are running from a problem in your life that may be with a friend or a significant other. Maybe your unconscious is allowing you to play through the issues in your head so by the time you find your "partner" you'll have the answers. Just a thought :)
DeleteTitle: Soaring
ReplyDeleteManifest: I am dreaming of a dream I have had many times before. I stand up from sitting on the living room couch and I start floating. As soon as this happens, I made the connection that I was able to fly because I've had this dream so many times before but its weird because I don't wake up. I decide to fly back home, up to New Hampshire. Instead of taking a logical straight route right up to my house, I take the exact same route as if I was driving on the road. After switching from highway to highway I finally make it home. I see all my family and then I wake up.
Latent: I think this dream is definitely wish fulfillment, like most of my dreams. I am going back home next weekend for Easter and I am really excited to see all my family and my dogs!
Your dream is definitely wish fulfillment, like you said having this dream before your brain knows what it wants and knows that you will be going home soon, I'm sure you want to be home just as bad as your brain does!
DeleteTitle: Out
ReplyDeleteManifest: In my dream I was moving out into my new apartment and so excited to be out on my own with my fiancé and daughter that I guess I got caught up in the moment of adulthood that I become scared and it become dark. A man stood by the door and was breaking into my apartment when I ran to grab a bat too protect myself and my family I ran out into the hall way and his was heading right for me and then my dream ended.
Latent: What I believe my dream was telling me that adulthood can be scary and moving out from mom and dad's is a big step, while protecting my family goes to show that I'm now the man of the house and gives me a sense to provide and protect them.
I agree with your interpretation! I think this is your unconscious' way of playing out your fear of change. I think you have major anxieties about the change and the mysterious man represents the threat of not making it on your own. I think if you have it again, your unconscious want you to face him head on with the bat! It may seem scary but you can do it! Just a thought :)
DeleteI also agree, I think that your mind is trying to help you work through a fear and show you that change is not all that bad. When the dream takes a twist for the worst and a man is trying to break into your apartment it is showing you that you can do it, you instinctively reach for the bat, because you already know how to handle the situation, it is just another practice.
DeleteTitle: Getting Chase
ReplyDeleteManifest Content: I woke up but I was not home I was at my house, I get dressed/ready to go to work and it feels like I am getting followed by somthing, I get into my car and I start driving in my car down my road, And another car pulls out of my driveway (I was the only car in the driveway). I continue, not thinking anything of it. I took a left off my road to continue to go to work and the car follows me never changing their speed or trying to pass. I get to my work's parking lot and I get out of my car and has the car passes me I look into the window then I wake up.
Latent Content: I'm really lost for this dream I do not know what any of this means in real life. I have never been followed or previous dreams of being followed or chased.
Perhaps you have some underlying stress that you might not understand. You could be stressed out and not know the reasoning for it. This could explain not being able to see who was driving the car. You might also be concerned (again, without knowledge) that everything is going to catch up to you. You might think you can put things off for a while but eventually it will catch up to you.
DeleteTitle: Prison Escape
ReplyDeleteManifest: I am on top of a hill with a bunch of friends. We are having fun playing games outside. Someone threw a frisbee at me and I fell and rolled down the hill. At the bottom on the hill there were bad people, kind of like prisoners. When I got to the bottom the guy picked me up and took me like a prisoner, but now I was a prisoner too. I got an orange jumpsuit and all. I started my day to day life as a prisoner. It wasn’t like any other prison. We got to do a lot within the prison. I got my hands on a cell phone and planned an escape with my friend Kelly who was in there with me. Once Kelly and I got together we broke out of the prison and hopped into a car. We started driving down side roads so that we would not get caught. We ended up turning down the wrong road and there was a police officer in the middle of the road. Once he saw us I tried to push on the gas really hard but it would not go anywhere. Then I woke up.
Latent: I think that I had this dream because I was watching a lot of prison shows the past couple days. Also I was talking with my friend about him being a corrections officer.
That is cool because its like the same thing that happened to me but with music, I think that if you think something enough in the day you will dream about it because its still in the back of your mind.
DeleteTitle: Another Strange Dream
ReplyDeleteContent: My dream started at work, and the manager who was closing let me leave early because I was doing such a good job, and he wanted to fire some of the other people in my department. For some reason, some of my friends from Nichols were outside, and we all started walking towards the employee parking lot. Somebody said that a plane was falling out of the sky, but it was actually a UFO. It landed in the parking lot, narrowly missing my car, and drilled underground. It resurfaced in front of the building, and started blowing everything up. Next thing I knew, I was at home and there were two cars trying to rearrange themselves in my driveway. Several strange people in suits climbed out, and my mom shouted not to let them in. My girlfriend's future self came in through a portal in the living room, to inform me that the world was going to end, that she would be dead in twenty years, and I would be left to raise our future children alone. She left me with a file containing instructions on how to stop the apocalypse, and a future family photo. Then my dream ended.
Interpretation: The beginning of my dream probably came from the fact that management is considering getting rid of two of the lesser workers in my department, and we're all aware of it. The plane/UFO was likely related to reading a lot of articles about the missing plane, while the rearranging cars comes from my family always having to rearrange our cars when somebody needs to leave due to the number of cars in our driveway. Anything after that is beyond me.
Title: Sunny Days
ReplyDeleteManifest Content: The air smells like fresh flowers, I feel a breeze sweep through my hair. I place my hand on the ground and feel the grass around me. I am sitting in my backyard it is summer. I lay back and just sit with the sun on my face knowing I have nothing to do. I feel so clam and relaxed. I hear my name and get up to walk back to the house when I open the deck door, I wake up...
Latent Content: I think that the dream is clearly wish fulfillment in wanting summer. I am ready for a break from work and just want to relax and my mind knows that.
I really want summer to come too! I find that this time of the year we are telling ourselves that we want the warm weather to come faster then ever. We are also so over the long days of school that we just want to relax. This is the good thing about dreams.
DeleteI agree with your interpretation, I wish summer would come right now! School is making it hard for us because of the warm weather that is coming.
DeleteI agree with you interpretation. Summer is coming and feels like it is coming real soon! This dream is probably wanting to be out of school and enjoying time off and good weather
DeleteTitle: What is going on?
ReplyDeleteManifest content: My dream was so random and all over the place. I was at my house, and I had this very eerie feeling through out the dream. Things were falling off shelves in my house for no reason and sounds like screams were coming from outside. I was home alone and decided that I didn't feel comfortable so I grabbed my keys out of the key draw in my kitchen and went out the door. I could hear this creepy music, like the one you would hear in a scary movie and it started to get a little dark. The wind began to pick up and I dashed to my car from my porch. I opened my car door and put the keys in the ignition as fast as I could. I put my car in reverse looked in my rear view mirror like I always do as I'm about to back up into the turn around in my drive way, and that's when I saw a man in the woods just staring at me car. Of course I got out of the car and looked to make sure what I was seeing was real but he had disappeared. Then I heard foot steps and yelling. I got so freaked out that I got back in my car and left. I saw the man again as I drove down my driveway but I had no idea who it was.
Latent content: I really have no clue what this dream was about. Maybe I dreamt that there was someone one standing behind my car in the woods because I am overly paranoid when I am home alone and always feel like I am being watched. I think this dream felt so eerie to me because it had do with the woods. I've always been nervous around the woods if I am by myself, even though I live in the middle of the woods and grew up around the woods it still creeps me out.
Title: Wait! I don’t need surgery!
ReplyDeleteContent: My eyes open. I am in a van type spacecraft that is carrying my girlfriend and other random people that I don’t know. The van is going faster and faster as if it were a rollercoaster ride. All of a sudden we come to a harsh stop and the machine tips to the side making everyone go sideways. I unbuckle myself then my girlfriend and then it becomes black. Next thing I know we are all in some hospital with bandages wrapped around our heads and waiting on medical beds. We are all confused to be there because the accident didn’t do anything to any of us. No one was hurt at all. Strange doctors, like out of a sci-fi movie, come to each of our beds and explain we might have bleeding in our brains. I begin to react saying there’s nothing wrong with all of us we are fine. They say that we must all have brain surgery to detect if there is bleeding. All I could think about is how long it was going to take and why is this happening. The recovery would take four days and I wouldn’t be able to go to Spring Weekend at school. My girlfriend and I took our bandages off and started to run from the doctors. We run out the front doors and find ourselves falling down into nothingness. I awaken.
Interpretation: I think the main reason is I don’t want anything to disrupt my senior spring weekend plans. I really don’t understand the whole doctor sci-fi scenes of this dream.
Title: Trip to Boston
ReplyDeleteContent: I was with my roommates, and one has never been to Boston. We decided to go over one weekend. We went wicked early so we could get early and spend the whole day. We had tickets to go the Red Sox game that night so we would walk around and then go to the game. We arrived at the Prudential Center and walked around there for a bit. We all went to a restaurant and after the restaurant one of our roommates, went to the bathroom. She never came back. We had to search for her, and the worst part is she could be anywhere. We didn’t know where she went. We searched until the Red Sox game, so we eventually went to Fenway Park. We got into our seats and the national anthem was about to play. The announced who was singing and it was our roommate. She was picked to sing the national anthem how strange? The anthem ended and it was actually good. She came back to our seats and we watched the Red Sox game.
Interpretation: My interpretation one this dream is the night before, we all talked about going to a Red Sox game in Boston and visiting. My roommates if from New York and has never been to Boston. I think I just had this dream because we were talking about it before.
That is a very interesting dream. I agree that you probably dreamt this because you recently had a conversation about going to Boston. Sometimes I dream about conversations that I have during that day because I always mentally walk through my day before I fall asleep.
DeleteTitle: awkward silence
ReplyDeleteDream: this is a dream I had a couple of days ago. It involved one of my old friends' parents and we were going to a car show or we were in their garage. It was weird because I haven't talked in 4 months. I haven't seen them or thought of them in a while. I was kinda scared a little bit because no one was talking. It was awkward and I felt the cause of the silence like that I did something to cause it. The entire time walking around and everything was silence. I think I tried to start a conversation but was not taken.
Interpretation: I woke up feeling that they were thinking of me and that was the message? In a dream? Sometimes I think of things we did and think of what we did and stuff. Certain cars remind me and songs! Haha maybe it was my mind switching up sonarios to ease my mind to stop thinking about them.
Title: jaws
ReplyDeleteDream: I was on the beach with my friends and I saw a fin sticking out of the water swimming towards someone. But no one saw it, not even the life guards, I sprinted into the water and the person who was in danger got away and I ended up wrestling the shark to shore. A bunch of people took pictures with me and then I opened the sharks mouth and a bird flew out, thanked me for saving his life and flew away. But it was weird because the person who I saved didn't thank me, I was mad. Then I met my future wife at a beach bar, got married and had a kid.
Interpretation: I truly don't know why I had this dream, but I felt like it was a combination of mixed feelings I have had all week. A feeling of being maybe unappreciated, loved, unnoticed and brave. Kind of strange when I think about it.
Title: Stress
ReplyDeleteContent: Last night I had a very short dream. I was sitting in a room with my roommates and we were making snacks. I bit in to a nacho and one of my teeth fell out. Then another and another. I took a little mirror and looked at my teeth and they were crumbling in my mouth and would fall out after the lightest touch. Then I woke up.
Interpretation: My roommate said I was grinding my teeth last night louder than she has ever heard me grind my teeth. I know that I grind my teeth when I am really stressed and with housing coming up and the end of the semester, I am extremely stressed out. I woke up with a sore jaw.
I definitely think your dream was brought on by stress, and also maybe the feeling induced by you grinding your teeth very hard. It could also be possible since your aware of you grinding your teeth, that you have some what of a fear that your grinding could have a big effect on your teeth; the teeth falling out was just an exaggeration of what you fear could happen
DeleteTitle: Where Are We Going?
ReplyDeleteManifest Content: I'm in a van. I don't know most of the people that are in it with me. We are driving around. I have no clue where we are or where we are heading and every time I ask, everyone pretends they don't know me. I look out the windows and we're on a highway. The next time I look outside, we're in a jungle. Somebody says we might be in Africa. This confuses me because I didn't think we had been driving that long and I didn't see how it was possible to go from MA to Africa without going on a plane. We see people walking outside. We see jungle animals such as monkeys and tigers. I still don't know why we are here or where our next stop is.
Interpretation: I've been thinking about study abroad lately. I have no clue where I want to go, I don't know when I want to go and I'm a little worried about certain aspects of it such as being alone in a strange country and the expenses of it. I think the traveling aspect of my dream is represented through going to different places and the worries about not knowing where we are going represents my trouble in deciding where to go.
Title: Smoke Show
ReplyDeleteManifest: My dream was more of like images/visions that real actions. I had a image of me smoking a cigarette. This was really odd to me. Then I had a quick dream that I backed up into a red sedan. I remember being very upset when I hit the car. Both dreams felt so real. There was no one in either of my dreams, I couldn't hear anything going on it was just all visions.
Latent: Im not really sure what this means. I have never smoked a cigarette, so it is very odd that I would have a dream of just me smoking cigarettes. My dream about wrecking my car was definitely a dream of fear. I bought a new car at the beginning of the year, and it would be devastating if I crashed it.
Title: Miley
ReplyDeleteManifest content: I was on my way to the dining hall and all of a sudden me and all of my friends began to break out into dance to the Miley Cyrus song "Do my thang" and we were dancing an singing to it on repeat over and over and I could see everyone getting sick of dancing but they could help but move.
Lantent content: Before I went to bed i could get that Miley song out of my head and I remember saying before I fell asleep that my mind was a jute box stuck on play and therefore I guess my dream was also a jute box stuck on play. Kind of cool if I do say so myself. :)
Title: Crackers
ReplyDeleteManifest: I had a dream that i was at my boyfriends house.we were all in the living room and i was hungry so i went into the kitchen. While looking for something to eat I see a box of saltine crackers. I look around me and grab a pack and walk into my boyfriends room and shut and lock the door behind me. I sit on his bed and start eating the crackers, he come to the door to get in and starts telling me to unlock it. i dont want to so i take my time, while hes outside the door i stuff all the crackers in my mouth so he wouldnt know i ate them. I open the door and he asked me what i was doing and i told him i was laying down because i had a migraine. I went back into the living room with him and his family and all i kept thinking was " I didnt get sick, I didnt get sick" i was so happy i didnt get sick and then i woke up.
Latent: this dream was really weird to me. I dont know why i had this dream but the only explanation i have is that i have celiacs disease and can not eat anything that has gluten. I used to eat saltines all the time but havent had them in years.
Dear Class...thanks so much for your active participation over the past ten weeks.
ReplyDeleteNow we can use your fascinating dreams for your sleep analysis term paper!
Dr. D